
  1. Registration and coffee

  2. Welcome and introduction by the moderator

    David Dillon David Dillon
    Independent Biocides Expert
  3. KEYNOTE: Recent developments in EU chemicals legislation from a high-level perspective

    • REACH/CLP revision
    • REFIT
    • New EU Parliament 
    Paul Krajnik Paul Krajnik
    Chair of the ECHA Management Board and Deputy Director Chemicals and Biocides, Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, Austria
  4. Session 1: Overviews
  5. EU Commission overview

    Marta Cainzos Garcia Marta Cainzos Garcia
    Policy Officer, European Commission, DG SANTE
  6. ECHA overview

    Joost van Galen Joost van Galen
    Chair of the Biocidal Products Committee, European Chemicals Agency
  7. Member state overview

    • Capacity planning
    • Structure and best practice at the BAuA: Expectations, experiences and challenges
    Jana-Alina Zur Jana-Alina Zur
    Regulatory Officer, Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), Federal Office for Chemicals (BfC)
  8. Refreshment break

  9. Industry overview

    Boris Van Berlo Boris Van Berlo
    Sector Group Manager, Biocides for Europe, Cefic
  10. Q&A session

  11. Lunch and networking

  12. Session 2: Current state of science for testing under the BPR
  13. How the BPR will be potentially affected by the revision of PBT and vPvB guidance

    Ana Isabel Sánchez Ana Isabel Sánchez
    Senior Consultant Health Sciences, Ramboll Iberia S.L.U.
  14. Special focus on NAMs and ED
  15. Satisfying data requirements under the BPR using Non-Animal Methods (NAMs)

    • Validated and regulatory accepted NAMs 
    • Moving forward: How to assess more complex endpoints
    • Troubleshooting and sharing successful experiences 
    Vera Engelbrecht Vera Engelbrecht
    Science Advisor, PETA Science Consortium International e.V.
  16. Regulatory acceptance of NAMs, what is already acceptable and what should be developed to make sure the NAMs will be accepted

    Vera Ritz Vera Ritz
    Head of Unit Steering and Overall Assessment Biocides, Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR)
  17. Status quo of acceptance and use of NAMs in European regulatory risk assessment

    • Status quo of acceptance and use of NAMs in European regulatory risk assessment
    • Barriers and drivers of acceptance and use
    • Overarching views of the public and risk assessors of current practices in regulatory toxicology
    Angela Bearth Angela Bearth
    Co-CEO/Partner, HF Partners
  18. Q&A and panel discussion: How to achieve greater regulatory acceptance of NAMs for biocides

  19. Refreshment break

  20. Session 3: Important efficacy updates
  21. Renewal of rodenticides (SGARs, resistance, uses, substitution, different legislations and views of member states)

  22. Ozone: Efficacy testing at biocide product authorisation stage

  23. Q&A session

  24. Networking drinks reception

  25. Close of day one

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