
Speaker profile

Ana Isabel Sánchez

Ana Isabel Sánchez

Senior Consultant Health Sciences, Ramboll Iberia S.L.U.

Ana I. Sánchez is a Senior Consultant in Ramboll. Within this role Ana oversees, implements, and manages projects concerning chemical substances within the Environment & Health division of Ramboll. Ana’s main focus and expertise is to support companies sited in Spain, Portugal and EU to fulfil their obligations under REACH, biocides and other regulations. Previous to Ramboll she has regulatory, scientific and technical experience with governmental bodies (Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition and Spanish Ministry of Health) and private companies.

Ana has provided input as Government Observer on the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee, Stockholm Convention, United Nations, Geneve (POPRC.7) as well as being a member of the Spanish Delegation on the 5th Conference of the Parties of Stockholm Convention, United Nations, Geneve (COP5). One of the principal areas discussed was implementation measures depicted in the Spanish National Implementation Plan of the Stockholm Convention regarding Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) coordinating a Technical Team and supporting on scientific and technical advice to the Spanish Ministry of Environment.