Welcome and introduction
Chemical Watch
- Morning session part 1: Scip database: State of play
Keynote Scip database: State of play
A view from the Member States: Sweden and Estonia
An overview on how the new Scip database reporting will be implemented in Sweden and Estonia, with insights from the Swedish Chemicals Agency and the Ministry of Environment of Estonia.
Presented by:
Q&A with Echa
Have your questions about the Scip database answered by experts from Echa.
- Morning session part 2: Industry developments
A cross-sectoral response to the new Scip database reporting requirements
Join senior industry experts from across Europe who will give their experience of using and reporting into the Scip database.
SME Response to the Scip Database
- EU trade body SMEunited has requested a one-year extension for deadlines relating to Echa’s Scip database.
- SMEunited adviser Marko Susnik will present a closer look at the impact Covid-19 has had on SMEs and their ability to reach regulatory deadlines.
Marko Sušnik
Advisor to the Secretary General on Chemicals Policy, SMEunited, and Senior Advisor Chemical Policy, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ), SMEunited / WKÖ -
How to fit the gap between mandatory/required SCIP data and what manufacturers are collecting for years to support EU REACH Article 33
To support EU RoHS regulation (since 2006) then EU REACH regulation article 33 (since 2008), business sectors have put in place industry standards to facilitate communication of Materials and Substances data in their Supply Chain. Now EC under the Waste Framework Directive (2018) has amended in its article 9 the EU REACH duties to also notify their products to the ECHA authority.
ECHA has put in place the SCIP database to comply with the WFD but has defined additional data as mandatory or required in this database that are not covered by original article 33. This is a very important issue that companies have to face because they just don’t have the data as requested by the ECHA. How do we fill the gap?
How to achieve due diligence with your SCIP reporting
The presentation focuses on an iterative approach for SCIP Reporting by leveraging existing data and how companies can continuously improve to achieve due diligence
Close of morning session
Networking and workshops from our event sponsors
Sponsor workshop from Sphera: How the BOMcheck S2S Integration Simplifies Submissions to the ECHA SCIP Database
Join Sphera in the sponsor area
- Afternoon session part 1: Scip database best practices
How to submit data to Scip: simplification mechanisms
Benefits of system-to-system integration to the Echa Scip database
Evolution of standards to achieve materials declaration requirements
- Afternoon session part 2: Scip database use cases and data communication
Scip from a non-EU/EU importer perspective
Drawing on recent industry surveys and studies by REACHLaw, the presentation will address specific legal and practical challenges for non-EU suppliers of articles and their EU customers. Possible solutions for industry to ensure Scip compliance (for example, ‘foreign user’ concept) will also be discussed.
NGO perspective
Virtual conference close