Timings are in GMT (London)
- Introduction to Green Chemistry
- Green Chemistry in the current regulatory framework of the EU
- Green chemistry in the context of the EU policy, in particular the Green Deal
- Legislative basis and core institutions dealing with chemicals
- Basics of core chemicals legislation with a focus on innovation
- New regulatory frameworks for green chemistry and sustainable innovation
- Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS)
- Safe-and-sustainable-by-design chemicals (SSbD)
- Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation
- Others
- Indirect push for innovation: New reporting / transparency requirements for companies
- Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
- Sustainable Finance Taxonomy
- Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive
- Funds and tools of the EU to promote sustainable innovation in chemicals
There will be a break in-between
Marko SušnikAdvisor to the Secretary General on Chemicals Policy, SMEunited, and Senior Advisor Chemical Policy, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ), SMEunited / WKÖ -