Welcome and introduction
- The UK chemical sector today, and why it matters; and
- CIA reflections on UK chemical policy and regulation.
- Session 1: UK REACH Regulations
UK REACH: supply chain issues
- discuss the challenges that the UK chemical supply chain is facing as a result of UK REACH; and
- opinion on the Alternative Registration model (ATRm) from the distributor and SME point of view.
UK REACH: 2024 consultation – an industry perspective from BASF
- impacts and consequences of the current UK REACH registration model; and
- BASF’s opinion on the ATRm proposal.
Understanding compliance for exports
- ensure products meet the regulatory standards of the destination country;
- stay informed on export regulations, so businesses can navigate international markets more effectively and sustainably; and
- avoiding legal issues and potential fines.
Q&A session
Refreshment break
UK Stakeholders - consequences of the proposed ATRm: Panel discussion
The delay in publishing the UK REACH response will have several impacts on businesses.
Topics to be discussed:
- uncertainty and planning;
- compliance risks;
- financial implications; and
- operational disruptions.
Colin Cupitt
Head of Product Environmental / Chief Engineer, Representing Aerospace, Defence and Securities (Uk) association (ADS) -
Interactive audience Q&A session
Lunch break for 1 hour and 25 minutes
Understanding animal testing requirements using Enhesa's global cosmetics regulatory comparison tool
- Session 2: Regulatory divergence
Welcome back
Perspectives: why divergence is inevitable
- explore the competing demands on chemical regulations from various sectors: society, legal, trade rules, industry, politics, and regulators; and
- delve into why different regional solutions emerge for what seems to be the same issue.
Legal perspectives on divergence with case studies on CLP and biocides
- latest (EU) developments – new hazard classes, EU CLP revision;
- forthcoming changes to GB CLP and GB Biocides under the REUL Act?; and
- lessons from divergence - same data, different outcome
GB MCL update
Q&A session
Refreshment break
- Session 3: Restrictions and enforcement actions
Update on the adoption of NAMs in the UK chemical regulation
- discuss the latest key recommendations for UK chemical regulations; and
- take a look at the wide range of applications: using NAMs for various regulatory purposes, such as grouping chemicals for prioritization, hazard assessment, and risk management. Streamlining the regulatory process, improving efficiency.
Prof Iseult Lynch
Professor of Environmental Nanosciences, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham -
PFAS in focus: the challenges and opportunities ahead
- review of the current PFAS landscape;
- latest research, voluntary action and regulatory movement; and
- key learnings and opportunities moving forward.
Identification and control of EDC’s under REACH
Q&A session
Close of conference