

    Please note, timings are in Central European Time (Brussels)

  2. Welcome and introduction


    Geraint Roberts Geraint Roberts
    Freelance journalist and researcher
  3. Session one: The EU Strategy for Sustainability - Key CSS elements relevant to FCMs
  4. Keynote: Food Contact regulatory developments including the impact of the EU CSS

    Rachida Semail Rachida Semail
    Partner, Keller and Heckman LLP
  5. The critical role of EFSA in the risk assessment of FCMs

    Anna Gergely Anna Gergely
    Director, EHS Regulatory, Steptoe & Johnson, Belgium
  6. Extending generic risk assessment to FCMs for carcinogens, reprotoxins and mutagens (CMRs), and for persistent and bioaccumulate substances (PBTs, vPvBs)

    Ruxandra Cana Ruxandra Cana
    Partner, Steptoe LLP
  7. Q&A

  8. Morning break

  9. One substance, one assessment: how might this look for FCMs?

    Miguel Angel Prieto Arranz Miguel Angel Prieto Arranz
    Director Specialty Chemicals, Cefic-FCA
  10. Implications of the EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability for FCMs, including safe and sustainable vs hazardous chemicals - perspective from the printing ink industry

    Christof Walter Christof Walter
    Food Contact Manager, European Printing Ink Association – EuPIA
  11. The EU Green Deal and the impact on food contact: an industry perspective

    Neil Finley Neil Finley
    Head of Global Food Safety, Henkel Adhesives, UK
  12. Q&A

  13. Break and virtual networking

  14. Chemical Watch Demo

  15. Session two: EU FCM Regulations following the Strategy and other regulatory developments including UK FCMs
  16. Session introduction


    Luke Buxton Luke Buxton
    Europe Editor, Chemical Watch News & Insight, by Enhesa
  17. Inception impact assessment of the roadmap for revising the EU FCM Regulations

    Jonathan Briggs Jonathan Briggs
    Policy Officer - Food Contact Materials, DG SANTE, EU Commission
  18. ANEC reflections on the basic directions for the future development of the EU legislative framework on FCMs

    Franz Fiala Franz Fiala
    Office of the Consumer Council, Austrian Standards International
  19. What’s next for FCMs in the UK post-Brexit?

    Tom Gillett Tom Gillett
    Associate, Steptoe International (UK) LLP
  20. Q&A

  21. Close of day one

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