Please note: all timings are listed in CEST, to view start times in your local time zone, please click here.
Registration and coffee
Welcome and introduction by the moderator
Keynote: What the OSOA and CSS indicator framework mean for the EEA and their collaboration with Echa
- Session 1: Exploring the competitiveness compass and clean industrial deal
The clean industrial deal and chemicals industry package
The clean industrial deal and its impacts on chemicals management in Europe
- The competitiveness challenge for the EU chemical industry: status, issues, causes, solutions
- Is the clean industrial deal the ‘shock treatment’ that Mario Draghi recommended?
- Cefic views
- priorities for the chemical sector
- critical success factors
Refreshment break
Business perspective on the clean industrial deal
- Why is a clean industrial deal necessary: Europe’s current challenge with competitiveness and attracting investments in decarbonization
- How to make the Green Deal into the growth driver it was designed to be
- The chemicals industry package and REACH simplification: Dow view on where the priorities should be
NGO perspective on the clean industrial deal
Q&A and panel discussion
Lunch and networking
- Session 2: The planned simplification of REACH
The simplification of REACH
Future challenges for ECHA in the new policy context
Current FORUM work and outlook
Chemicals industry perspective
Q&A and panel discussion
Additional panelists:
Refreshment break
- Session 3: Implementation of CLP
Experiences and challenges with the CLP revision
- How are SMEs handling the new CLP requirements?
- What is clearer? What is more confusing?
Marko SušnikAdvisor to the Secretary General on Chemicals Policy, SMEunited, and Senior Advisor Chemical Policy, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ), SMEunited / WKÖ -
Preparing for the CLP implementation
Q&A and panel discussion
Networking drinks reception
Join us for relaxed networking with drinks and appetizers alongside our speakers and attendees.
Close of day one