
Please note: all timings are listed in CEST, to view start times in your local time zone, please click here. 

  1. Registration and coffee

  2. Welcome and introduction by the moderator

    Leigh Stringer Leigh Stringer
    Managing Editor, Europe, Chemical Watch News & Insight, Enhesa Product Intelligence
  3. Keynote: What the OSOA and CSS indicator framework mean for the EEA and their collaboration with ECHA

    Ian Marnane Ian Marnane
    Head of Unit, Pollution and Health, European Environment Agency
  4. Session 1: Exploring the competitiveness compass and clean industrial deal
  5. The clean industrial deal and chemicals industry package

    • Strategic role of the EU chemical industry as the “industry of industries”
    • The Clean Industrial Deal: a new business plan for the competitiveness’ decarbonisation and resilience of EU industries
    • The Chemicals Industry Package:
      • Timing and key elements
      • Simplification of REACH 
    Kristin Schreiber Kristin Schreiber
    Director for Chemicals, Health, Retail and Agrifood, DG GROW, European Commission
  6. The clean industrial deal and its impacts on chemicals management in Europe

    • The competitiveness challenge for the EU chemical industry: status, issues, causes, solutions
    • Is the clean industrial deal the ‘shock treatment’ that Mario Draghi recommended?
    • Cefic views
      • priorities for the chemical sector
      • critical success factors 
    Sylvie Lemoine Sylvie Lemoine
    Deputy Director General, Cefic
  7. Refreshment break

  8. Business perspective on the clean industrial deal

    • Why is a clean industrial deal necessary: Europe’s current challenge with competitiveness and attracting investments in decarbonization  
    • How to make the Green Deal into the growth driver it was designed to be 
    • The chemicals industry package and REACH simplification: Dow view on where the priorities should be 
    Alexander Majer Alexander Majer
    Government Affairs Director, Chemicals Management, Dow
  9. NGO perspective on the clean industrial deal

    • The dirty concessions behind the “Clean” Industrial Deal
    • Triple win transformation – opportunities for leveraging decarbonisation to tackle climate, pollution, and circular economy challenges
    • A Clean Deal for people and the planet – EEB recommendations 
    Tatiana Santos Tatiana Santos
    Head of Chemicals, European Environmental Bureau (EEB), Belgium
  10. Q&A and panel discussion

  11. Lunch and networking

  12. Session 2: The planned simplification of REACH
  13. The simplification of REACH

    • Update on the preparations for the revision of REACH 2025
    • Other DG ENV initiatives within the chemical industry package
    Paul Speight Paul Speight
    Head of the Safe and Sustainable Chemicals Unit in DG Environment, European Commission
  14. What's ahead for ECHA in the new policy context

    • How is ECHA’s legal mandate changing?
    • Implementation challenges and opportunities ahead 
    • How we are preparing to meet our expanded mandate
    Sharon McGuinness Sharon McGuinness
    Executive Director, European Chemicals Agency
  15. Current FORUM work and outlook

    • Results from recently finished projects (REF 11 on SDS, pilot on classification of mixtures including detergents and cleaning products and pilot on PFCAs in cosmetics)
    • Ongoing activities for 2025
    • Enforcement challenges and REACH review 
    Henrik Hedlund Henrik Hedlund
    Chair of the ECHA Forum on Enforcement, The Swedish Chemicals Agency
  16. Chemicals industry perspective

    • General expectations of what simplification of REACH should bring
    • Ideas to simplify REACH rules without compromising on the protection of human health and the environment
    Steven Van de Broeck Steven Van de Broeck
    Executive Director Product Stewardship, Cefic
  17. Q&A and panel discussion

    Additional panelists:

    Otto Linher Otto Linher
    Senior Expert, REACH Unit, DG Grow, European Commission
    Diana Radovan Diana Radovan
    Director Sustainability Policy, IPC Electronics
  18. Refreshment break

  19. Session 3: Implementation of CLP
  20. Experiences and challenges with the CLP revision

    • How are SMEs handling the new CLP requirements?
    • What is clearer? What is more confusing? 
    Marko Sušnik Marko Sušnik
    Advisor to the Secretary General on Chemicals Policy, SMEunited, and Senior Advisor Chemical Policy, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ), SMEunited / WKÖ
  21. Preparing for the CLP implementation

    • The new hazard classes  where we are and what is expected in the future
    • The CLP regulation revision and its implementation  update from an industry perspective
    • What still needs to be addressed as part of the CLP regulation revision?
    André Schlichting André Schlichting
    Regulatory Affairs Manager, Colgate-Palmolive Services CEW GmbH
  22. Q&A and panel discussion

  23. Networking drinks reception

    Join us for relaxed networking with drinks and appetizers alongside our speakers and attendees. 

  24. Close of day one

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