Welcome and introduction
Keynote: What could clarification of PFAS regulation look like?
- Session 4: Clarification of PFAS regulation in Europe
European Commission update
Updates from the UPFAS dossier submitters
Industry perspective on recent regulatory developments for PFAS and outlook
Elisa ConsoliREACH & Chemicals Manager, ASD – Aerospace, Security and Defense Industries Association of Europe -
Refreshment break
NGO perspective
Q&A and panel discussion: What should the clarification of PFAS regulation look like?
Lunch and networking
Demonstration of Enhesa services
- Session 5: Important international developments
The chemicals aspects of the plastics treaty negotiations
Industry view on chemicals aspects of the plastics treaty negotiations
Refreshment break
- Session 6: Implementation of CLP
Experiences and challenges with the CLP revision
Marko SušnikAdvisor to the Secretary General on Chemicals Policy, SMEunited, and Senior Advisor Chemical Policy, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ), SMEunited / WKÖ -
Preparing for the CLP implementation
- Refillable containers
- Labelling, especially for e-commerce/online products, and the push for digital labels
Close of day two