** Timings are in CEST**
Welcome and introduction
Evaluating the impact of Covid-19 on the chemicals management community
- Session 1: The European Union
The regulator’s balancing act between protecting human health and the environment and tackling the coronavirus
Olivier Gras
Deputy Director, Chemical Products in the Department for Risk Prevention, French Ecology Ministry -
Reflections on how EU regional administrations can assist companies in getting disinfectants to market in emergencies
Eugen Anwander
Senior Scientific Officer, Institute for Environment and Food Safety, Vorarlberg State Service, Austria & Vice-chair of Echa BPR Enforcement Forum, Finland -
The importance of maintaining high health and environmental standards for disinfectants during Covid-19 (a healthcare sector perspective)
- Introduction to health and environmental standards for cleaning products and disinfectants in the healthcare sector
- Safer disinfectants: SAICM 2.0 project, upcoming report + factsheets
- Feedback on procurement of disinfectants from HCWH Europe member, Region Västra Götaland in Sweden
- Conclusions & future outlook
Industry experiences in managing the increased need for disinfectants during the Covid-19 emergency
Q&A and panel discussion with session one speakers
Networking and break
Exponent sponsor workshop: Disinfectant Product Regulatory Requirements, European Union, EEA, Switzerland and UK
- Biocides Overview
- Active Substance Approval
- Existing Active Substances
- Approved Active Substances
- New Active Substances
- Derogations from Requirements (BPR Article 55)
- BPR Article 95
- Product Authorisation
- BPR Authorisation Procedure
- Efficacy Requirements
followed by a Q&A
- Session 2: The Americas
EPA Office of Pesticide Program’s COVID-19 response and safe disinfectant use
Industry experiences managing the increased need for disinfectants during the Covid-19 emergency in the US
- Scope of products and active ingredients of interest
- Supply chain disruptions have been wide-spread and everchanging - both supply and demand-side
- Implementation of EVP Guidance and regulatory flexibility have been key
- Many companies have been classified as essential workforce and critical need
Steven Bennett
Senior Vice President of Scientific & Regulatory Affairs, Household and Commercial Products Association -
Impact of Covid-19 pandemic on biocide regulation in Latin America
- Overview on Health authorities’ actions to prioritize the approval of sanitizers/biocides in Latin America and its consequences
- Unregulated use of biocidal products
- Vigna Brasil’s cases on regulatory support related to Covid-19
Q&A and panel discussion on the Americas with session two speakers
additional panellist:
Networking, break and Chemical Watch membership and platform demo
Drive your business with indispensable compliance intelligence
Join us for a short presentation and demo, followed by a Q&A
- Session 3: Other geographies
An overview of China and other Asian countries’ disinfectant regulation in 2020
- Overview of China disinfectant regulation
- New national standard in China and impact on industry
- General overview of disinfectant regulation across Asia
Q&A and final panel discussion giving a global outlook and how to prepare for future challenges
with Session 3 speaker and additional panellists
Close of conference