
Please note: all timings are listed in CEST, to view start times in your local time zone, please click here.

  1. Coffee

  2. Enhesa Product service presentation and platform demo

  3. Welcome and introduction by the moderator

    David Dillon David Dillon
    Independent Biocides Expert
  4. Session 5: Towards sustainability - authorisations, substitutions and regulatory adaption
  5. CA view on derogations - balancing risks and benefits

    • Criteria
    • Analysis of alternatives
    • Authority considerations
    Oliver Brylski Oliver Brylski
    Scientific Officer, BAuA
  6. Derogation case study: Biobor

    Patrick Eakins Patrick Eakins
    General Manager and Technical Director, Hammonds Fuel Additives, Inc.
  7. Antimicrobial resistance and biocides

    Mike Brouwer Mike Brouwer
    Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Wageningen Bioveterinary Research, Wageningen University
  8. Q&A session

  9. Refreshment break

  10. Sustainable use of insecticides

    • Regulatory framework
    • Challenges and solutions: how we navigate various obstacles to achieve our sustainability goals
    • Discuss current trends and developments: advancements in technology and changes in regulatory policies
    • Case studies and examples to illustrate real-world applications
    Yuhua Wu Yuhua Wu
    Sector group manager, Biocides for Europe, Cefic
  11. DU perspective: challenge of finding substitute insecticides that are approved for military systems

    Synne Enstrøm Synne Enstrøm
    Technical Manager Chemicals, Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency, Air System Division
  12. Q&A session

  13. Lunch and networking

  14. Session 6: Best practices for managing the BPR
  15. Best practices for national authorisations, including fee systems, collection of data on use and enforcement


    Mervyn Parr Mervyn Parr
    Agricultural Inspector, Pesticide Controls Division, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
  16. Where to find guidance, including the new Excel table, and how ECHA will handle updates and plans to improve navigation on the website

  17. Pros and cons: Mutual recognition versus union authorisation versus mutual recognition in parallel

  18. Q&A session

  19. Refreshment break

  20. Session 6: Important testing and efficacy updates
  21. Guidance on drinking water treatment assessment

    Knoell, speaker tbc

  22. Efficacy related updates

  23. Q&A session

  24. End of conference

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