Event overview

REACH-like regulations typically share core principles such as the registration of chemicals, evaluation, authorization and restriction. In this course, companies will be given the tools to fully understand the data they must provide on the chemical substances they manufacture or import, including safety information, risk assessments and exposure scenarios. 

The course will cover the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), Russia, Ukraine, and Turkey. It will provide the key links to the official lists of substances that require authorization before they can be used or placed on the market, the competent/regulatory authorities in each jurisdiction, and the procedures and timelines for chemical restrictions or bans to become effective. 

What can you expect from the course?

You will gain a thorough understanding of the key differences in REACH-like regulations across Europe. They will be able to reliably identify their responsibilities and obligations within the supply chain and confidently place products in key markets. 

Who should attend?

  • Chemicals regulatory professionals
  • Staff responsible for chemicals compliance in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), Russia, Ukraine  and Turkey
  • Consultants and service providers in the chemical sector
  • Anyone wishing to develop an understanding of REACH-like regulations

Exclusive discount for Chemical Watch members   

Chemical Watch members are entitled to a 15% discount on all Chemical Watch events.   

Discount applied automatically at checkout (please log in to claim your discount).

The course recordings will also be available on demand. If you’re unable to attend live, you can still book your place online and we’ll send you the on-demand content once the course has finished.

Is this a key topic of interest for your business? We can run this training course exclusively for your organization, as a tailored learning experience. Email us at events@chemicalwatch.com for more information