
Timings in CET (Central European Time GMT + 1)

  1. Introduction and welcome

  2. Session one: The EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability

    Session moderator:

    Jean-Philippe Montfort Jean-Philippe Montfort
    Partner, Mayer Brown Europe-Brussels LLP
  4. Keynote  Keynote: An industry perspective on the EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability

    Hugo Waeterschoot Hugo Waeterschoot
    Chemicals Management Advisor, Eurometaux, Belgium
  5. The EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability and cosmetics products

    Roberto Scazzola Roberto Scazzola
    Scientific Policy Officer, European Commission DG GROW
  6. REACH: What new requirements can be expected as a result of the CSS?

    • Testing requirements
    • Mixtures
    • Polymers
    • Grouping
    Eléonore Mullier Eléonore Mullier
    Partner, Steptoe LLP, Belgium
  7. The EU’s Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability: Targeted substances and properties

    Steffen Foss Hansen Steffen Foss Hansen
    Associate Professor - Regulatory Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
  8. Q&A, followed by a short break


    Session moderator:

    Eléonore Mullier Eléonore Mullier
    Partner, Steptoe LLP, Belgium
  10. Nanomaterials: Developments in regulations

    Blanca Serrano Blanca Serrano
    Director, Product Stewardship, Cefic
  11. The essential uses concept and its place within the current REACH regulation

    Jean-Philippe Montfort Jean-Philippe Montfort
    Partner, Mayer Brown Europe-Brussels LLP
  12. Brexit and UK REACH: An overview of recent developments

    Jo Lloyd Jo Lloyd
    Partner, ERM
  13. UK-REACH: How to ensure smooth continuation of product flows

    Martin Klatt Martin Klatt
    Executive Specialist Regulatory Affairs, BASF SE, E-EDE/B, Germany
  14. Q&A

  15. Break and sponsor workshops

  16. Sponsor workshop from REACHLaw: UK REACH 2021 Compliance Check List

    Frederik Johanson Frederik Johanson
    Partner, Sales, REACHLaw, Finland
    Steve George Steve George
    Senior Advisor and Director, REACHLaw, UK
  17. Sponsor workshop from UL: Maintaining Sustainability Throughout the Supply Chain

    There is increasing pressure from all areas to improve the sustainability of products throughout the whole supply chain. This workshop is designed to explore some of the drivers and motivations for embracing an increasingly sustainable supply chain, whilst acknowledging and addressing some of the challenges being faced by industry.

    Eleanor Grimes Eleanor Grimes
    Senior Regulatory Specialist, UL Solutions
  18. Session two: Downstream topics

    Session moderator:

    David Dillon David Dillon
    Independent Biocides Expert
  20. The registration of polymers under REACH: A closer look at the impacts on the customisation of polymers

    Paula Diaz Paula Diaz
    Regulatory Affairs Manager, FEICA
  21. EU Chemicals policy and textiles

    Mauro Scalia Mauro Scalia
    Director, Sustainable Business, The European Apparel and Textile Confederation (EURATEX)
  22. Regulatory updates for mixtures, paints and coatings

    Didier Leroy Didier Leroy
    Technical and Regulatory Affairs Director, CEPE, Belgium
  23. Q&A

  24. Virtual networking session

    Join fellow delegates, speakers and sponsors in our dedicated virtual networking area to continue the conversation.  Within the virtual networking area, you can join a table to take part in a video chat with other participants. There's also a chat function within your table, the room itself, or to individuals.  Just click the NETWORKING button below the main conference video or join using the links in your pre-conference emails.

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