
Please note all timings are in GMT.

  1. Introduction from Chemical Watch – Post-Brexit, where do things stand?

    Geraint Roberts Geraint Roberts
    Freelance journalist and researcher
  2. The regulation of chemicals and chemicals in products after the transition period ends
  3. The chemicals-related roles of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy

    Ryan Diggory Ryan Diggory
    Senior Policy Advisor, International Trade, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
  4. A legal and regulatory overview

    Simon Tilling Simon Tilling
    Partner, Steptoe & Johnson LLP, UK
  5. Q&A

  6. Views from industry
  7. Through the glass darkly – GB chemicals regulation post-Brexit

    Peter Newport Peter Newport
    Chief Executive Officer, Chemical Business Association
  8. Obligations on downstream users

    Susanne Baker Susanne Baker
    Partner - Technology, ERM
  9. Is anyone really ready?

    Steve George Steve George
    Senior Advisor and Director, REACHLaw, UK
  10. Q&A

  11. The chemicals strategy for sustainability
  12. The chemicals strategy for sustainability – will it widen the gulf between the EU and the UK regulatory regimes

    With speakers including:

    Chloe Alexander Chloe Alexander
    Senior campaigner, CHEM Trust
  13. Q&A

  14. Brexit related REACH data and cost sharing issues
  15. Brexit related REACH data and cost sharing issues

    With speakers including:

    Raminta Dereskevicuite Raminta Dereskevicuite
    Counsel, McDermott Will & Emery UK LLP
  16. Q&A

  17. Chemical Watch demo

  18. Virtual event close