
Please note: programme times are listed in GMT - Greenwich Mean Time (UTC +0)

  1. Europe - Perspectives on safer substitution

    Session chair:

    Emma Chynoweth Emma Chynoweth
    Founder, Ocki Sustainability
  3. Substitution and alternatives to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and the opportunity for alternative assessment

    Roland Weber Roland Weber
    International Consultant, POPs Environmental Consulting
  4. How to close the loop, utilising recycled content as opposed to virgin materials?

    Paul Mayhew Paul Mayhew
    President of the Plastics Recycling Branch, MBA Polymers
  5. Considerations for the identification of ‘safer’ substitutes

    Eeva Leinala Eeva Leinala
    Principal Administrator, Risk Management, Mutual Acceptance of Data and Good Laboratory Practices, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
  6. Q&A and discussion

  7. Five minute break

  8. Europe - Partnerships in chemicals management and waste

    Session chair:

    Emma Chynoweth Emma Chynoweth
    Founder, Ocki Sustainability
  10. The Proactive Alliance - more efficient supply chain reporting facilitating manageability, innovation and compliance

    Martin Führ Martin Führ
    Professor for Public Law, Comparative Law and Legal Theory, sofia/Darmstadt University for Applied Sciences, Germany
    Stéphane Content Stéphane Content
    Manager Product Stewardship, Cefic
  11. Case study: Eurometaux’s partnership with Echa

    Violaine Verougstraete Violaine Verougstraete
    Chemicals Management Director, Eurometaux, Belgium
  12. Q&A and panel discussion

    This panel discussion will cover thoughts on how to measure and demonstrate progress.

  13. Break and virtual networking

  14. North America - Perspectives on Safer Substitution and green chemistry

    Session chair:

    Cristina Garcia Cristina Garcia
    Project Manager, Knoell Iberia S.L.
  16. The GC3: Advancing substitution through the commercialization of green chemistry

    Joel Tickner Joel Tickner
    Executive Director, Change Chemistry
  17. Clean Production Action

    Cheri Peele Cheri Peele
    Program Manager, Chemical Footprint Project, Clean Production Action
  18. The EPA Safer Choice program

    • Benefits of partnering with Safer Choice
    • Meaning of the Safer Choice label
    • Appeal of the label
    • Safer Choice-certified products
    • Safer Choice Standard
    • Ingredient criteria & review
    • Product review process
    • Safer Chemical Ingredients List (SCIL)
    Clive Davies Clive Davies
    Chief, Design for the Environment Branch, US EPA
  19. EVOLVE 2030: Transforming our portfolio for a sustainable future

    • Sustainable Offerings is one of our ten sustainability goals for 2030. 
    • It aspires to maximize the societal value of the Chemours portfolio. 
    • Our experiences in method development, portfolio evaluation, and embedding in business processes will be discussed
    Andrew Liu Andrew Liu
    Global Product Sustainability Strategy Leader, Chemours
  20. Sustainable Chemistry: Going Beyond Compliance to Promote Adoption of Safer Alternatives

    Renee Hackenmiller-Paradis Renee Hackenmiller-Paradis
    Senior Chemist and Director of Chemistry Center of Excellence, Nike, Inc.
  21. Q&A and panel discussion

  22. Five minute break

  23. North America - Global supply chain activities: company case studies

    Session chair:

    Cristina Garcia Cristina Garcia
    Project Manager, Knoell Iberia S.L.
  25. Advancing collaboration with chemical suppliers on safer chemical alternatives

    Dawn Graunke Dawn Graunke
    Supply Chain Sustainability Manager, Intel Corporation
  26. Developing a proactive compliance process

    HP's current and future work to identify, prioritize and act on priority chemicals

    Jim Kildea Jim Kildea
    Manager, Regulatory Management and Chemical Compliance, HP
  27. Q&A

  28. North America - Partnerships in chemicals management and waste

    Session chair:

    Cristina Garcia Cristina Garcia
    Project Manager, Knoell Iberia S.L.
  30. The International Aerospace Environmental Group

    Sally Gestautas Sally Gestautas
    Global Chemical Substances Program Manager, RaytheonTechnologies and Chair, International Aerospace Environmental Group
  31. Demonstrating and measuring progress: An industry case study

    Roberto Bertin Roberto Bertin
    Senior Manager, Sustainability, Walmart & Sam’s Club
  32. Q&A and panel discussion

  33. Conclusion and conference close

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