

    Please note, timings in Central European Time (Brussels)

  2. Welcome and introduction

    Geraint Roberts Geraint Roberts
    Freelance journalist and researcher
  3. Keynote  Keynote: the EU chemicals strategy for sustainability: a roadmap for implementation

    What are the priorities and the critical pathways?

    Cristina de Avila Cristina de Avila
    Head of Unit, Sustainable Chemicals, DG Environment, European Commission
  4. Q&A with Cristina de Avila

  5. Perspectives and panel discussion: criteria for chemicals that are ‘safe and sustainable’ by design

    How can trade-offs between safety, circularity and energy be managed?


    Anne-Sofie Bäckar Anne-Sofie Bäckar
    Executive Director, ChemSec
    Bjorn Hansen Bjorn Hansen
    Executive Director, European Chemicals Agency
    Sylvie Lemoine Sylvie Lemoine
    Deputy Director General, Cefic
  6. Is the strategy in line with the Motion for Resolution of the European Parliament?

    Maria Spyraki Maria Spyraki
    Member of the European Parliament
  7. Q&A and panel discussion: on ‘safe and sustainable’ by design and the motion for resolution

    Anne-Sofie Bäckar Anne-Sofie Bäckar
    Executive Director, ChemSec
    Cristina de Avila Cristina de Avila
    Head of Unit, Sustainable Chemicals, DG Environment, European Commission
    Bjorn Hansen Bjorn Hansen
    Executive Director, European Chemicals Agency
    Sylvie Lemoine Sylvie Lemoine
    Deputy Director General, Cefic
    Maria Spyraki Maria Spyraki
    Member of the European Parliament
  8. The goal of one substance, one assessment: how can this be taken forward?

    Otto Linher Otto Linher
    Senior Expert, REACH Unit, DG Grow, European Commission
    Guilhem de Seze Guilhem de Seze
    head of the scientific evaluation of regulated products, Efsa
    Michael Warhurst Michael Warhurst
    Executive Director, CHEM Trust, United Kingdom
  9. Q&A

  10. Virtual break and networking

  11. Chemical Watch Demo

  12. Enforcement

    • Echa Enforcement Forum perspective
    • NGO perspective
    Eugen Anwander Eugen Anwander
    Senior Scientific Officer, Institute for Environment and Food Safety, Vorarlberg State Service, Austria & Vice-chair of Echa BPR Enforcement Forum, Finland
    Tatiana Santos Tatiana Santos
    Head of Chemicals, European Environmental Bureau (EEB), Belgium
  13. Q&A

  14. Beyond the Montreal Protocol: the challenges of ‘essential uses’ under EU legislation

    • The introduction of this new ‘essential uses’ concept from a regulatory and legislative standpoint
    • The consequences for industry
    Violaine Verougstraete Violaine Verougstraete
    Chemicals Management Director, Eurometaux, Belgium
  15. Expanding the use of generic risk assessment and comparisons with the food packaging chain

    Christof Walter Christof Walter
    Food Contact Manager, European Printing Ink Association – EuPIA
  16. Q&A

  17. New hazard classes for CLP: What are the options?

    • Endocrine disruptors 
    • PBTs, vPvBs 
    • Persistent and mobile substances

    Speakers to include:

    Ruxandra Cana Ruxandra Cana
    Partner, Steptoe LLP
    Ake Bergman Ake Bergman
    Senior Professor, Department of Environmental Science (ACES) , Stockholm University
  18. Q&A

  19. Conference conclusion