
(Please note, all timings are in Central European Time – Brussels)

  1. Welcome and introduction

    Kate Lowe Kate Lowe
    Head of Editorial, Chemical Watch News & Insight, Enhesa Product Intelligence
  2. Session 1 – The Global Picture
  3. Keynote  Unep's vision for connecting with industry and moving the global process toward a more open and transparent approach to sharing information on chemicals and waste

    Monika MacDevette Monika MacDevette
    Chief, Chemicals & Health, and Principal Coordinator, UNEP - IETC, United Nations Environment Programme (Unep)
  4. SAICM, ICCM5 and the 'beyond 2020 instrument', from an industry perspective

    • The Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM)
    • International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM 2006 - 2022)
    • Stakeholder’s initiatives for Safer Sustainable Chemicals Management
    Dr Kenkichi Fujii Dr Kenkichi Fujii
    Research Fellow and Director, Regulatory Science, Kao Corporation
  5. Human rights in the context of chemicals

    Baskut Tuncak Baskut Tuncak
    Director, Toxics Use Reduction Institute, TURI
  6. Q&A

  7. Break and networking

  8. Session 2 – EU regulation impacting chemical and product supply chains

    Session moderator

    Geraint Roberts Geraint Roberts
    Freelance journalist and researcher
  10. The EU’s chemicals strategy for sustainability: an overview of what’s most relevant to industry players

    Cristina de Avila Cristina de Avila
    Head of Unit, Sustainable Chemicals, DG Environment, European Commission
  11. Industry challenges for developing a sustainable product strategy

    Sylvie Lemoine Sylvie Lemoine
    Deputy Director General, Cefic
  12. Industry experience of complying with their Scip database obligations

    Raj Takhar Raj Takhar
    Senior Subject Matter Expert - Materials Management and Chemical Reporting (Europe), Assent
  13. Q&A

  14. Break and networking

  15. Veeva sponsor workshop: Delivering Chemical Compliance With Speed and Scale: The Case for Digital Transformation in Regulatory Affairs

    Regulatory and Product Stewardship teams in chemical companies are continually being asked to do more with less. At the same time, greater insight and transparency is being demanded by customers, partners and regulators. Join our workshop to learn how a digitally enabled Regulatory Affairs can help drive greater value for the customer and for the business.

    David Maher David Maher
    Director, Regulatory Strategy, Veeva Europe
  16. Session 3 – Challenges and rewards of successfully tackling supply chain information exchange in Europe and North America

    Session moderator

    Leigh Stringer Leigh Stringer
    Managing Editor, Europe, Chemical Watch News & Insight, Enhesa Product Intelligence
  18. A – Challenges for disclosure of substances in articles
  19. Global lead strategic marketing and sustainability - working with suppliers towards ingredient transparency in the building industry

    Sjoerd Dijkstra Sjoerd Dijkstra
    Lead Strategic Marketing and Sustainability, Covestro AG
    Raefer Wallis Raefer Wallis
    Founder and CEO, Reset Ap, Canada
  20. Chemical footprint methodology

    Cheri Peele Cheri Peele
    Program Manager, Chemical Footprint Project, Clean Production Action
  21. Challenges and rewards of measuring a chemical footprint

    Jennifer Reece Jennifer Reece
    Materials Leadership Programme Manager, HP Inc. / Sustainability & Product Compliance
  22. Q&A

  23. Break and networking

  24. B - Ingredient transparency
  25. How investors are expecting greater transparency on chemicals

    Eugenie Mathieu Eugenie Mathieu
    Senior SRI Analyst, Aviva
  26. Focus on green chemistry: what are funders looking for, and how can they help drive innovation?

    Martin Mulvihill Martin Mulvihill
    Co-Founder, Safer Made
  27. Humanscale - transparency in the supply chain

    Jane Abernethy Jane Abernethy
    Chief Sustainability Officer, Humanscale
  28. Why companies should be disclosing their chemical ingredients - trends in the US

    Mike Schade Mike Schade
    Director, Mind the Store, Toxic-Free Future, United States
  29. Q&A and panel discussion

  30. Wrap up

  31. End of day one

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