(Please note, timings are in Central European Time – Brussels)
- Towards achieving a circular economy in Europe and North America
Day two welcome
- Session 1 - Substance grouping and the essential use concept
Overview of progress towards working with groups of chemicals
An industry perspective on the essential use concept
Natasa SbrizajEMEA Regulatory and Government Affairs Manager for Environment and Sustainability, 3M -
How might socio-economic considerations contribute to the establishment of suitable criteria for an essential use concept?
Q&A and panel discussion
Chemical Watch demo
Break and networking
- Session 2 – Safer and more sustainable by design
Session moderator
Trends for ‘safe by design’ in the EU and the US – challenges and how to overcome them
Rachel SimonSenior Manager, Technology Assessment and Resource Development, Global Electronics Council -
Safer and more sustainable by design - a chemical producer's perspective
Designing to meet consumer desires for safe and sustainable products
Optimising and scaling chemistries across industries to achieve a safe, circular economy
- Session 3 - Recyclability of materials - how recyclers and other stakeholders are working together
Session moderator
Towards achieving a CE: is a one size fits all formula the right approach?
Chemicals of concern - what a recycler wants to know
Chemical recycling: Is it worth the energy?
Chemical recycling: a key enabler of plastics circularity in Europe
Break and networking
Panel discussion: How can we detoxify secondary material streams?
Rachel SimonSenior Manager, Technology Assessment and Resource Development, Global Electronics Council -
Wrap up
End of day two