Please note, timings are in EDT (Eastern Daylight Time, Washington DC) UTC-4
Breakfast networking session
Meet fellow conference attendees in the virtual networking area
Welcome and introduction
Terry Hyland
Senior Editor, North America, Chemical Watch News & Insight, Enhesa Product Intelligence - Session one: TSCA at 5 years
Implementation and impact of TSCA today: An EPA perspective
Michal Ilana Freedhoff
Assistant Administrator for OCSPP, Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, EPA -
TSCA at 5: Accomplishments and future direction
NGO perspectives on TSCA litigation
TSCA fees update
Marc Edmonds
Environmental Protection Specialist, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics, EPA, US -
TSCA Jurisdiction: It’s not just over chemicals
TSCA has always applied to finished goods or “articles.” Historically, however, EPA has asserted TSCA jurisdiction over articles in ways that supported the narrative that TSCA is the “chemical manufacture” law. Not any more. Increasingly, TSCA applies in significant ways to articles and failure to acknowledge this fact is causing significant supply chain disruption. The PIP (3:1) experience is a case in point.
Industry panel: TSCA’s impact on the chemical industry supply chain
Panelists include:
Robert F. Helminiak
Vice President of Legal and Government Relations, Society of Chemical Manufacturers & Affiliates (SOCMA), USA -
Chemical Watch Demo
Greg Harrop-Griffiths, Business Development Manager, Chemical Watch
- Session two: Risk management, CBI and TSCA’s impact on scientific policy
TSCA risk management rules
This presentation will cover an update on what to look out for and predictions for the rules for the first ten substances subject to risk evaluation.
Reevaluating risk evaluation of existing chemicals
The mandate to evaluate risks of existing chemicals stands out as EPA’s most daunting task under the 2016 TSCA amendments. No fewer than 25 risk evaluations are currently underway. Each final risk evaluation triggers the start of a new one. How EPA evaluates existing chemicals likely will change, especially under new EPA leadership. Indeed, the next few years will largely define the future of chemical regulation under TSCA.
This presentation will examine a few key areas fundamental to risk evaluation:
- Data gathering for risk evaluation
- Regulatory-nexus (i.e., is TSCA a gap filling statute?)
- Unreasonable risk and its application
Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) chemicals rules under TSCA
TSCA section 6(h) requires EPA take action on specific PBT substances to address risk and reduce exposures to the extent practicable. On January 6, the EPA issued actions on five such substances. Even with the rule making process at the EPA, some were unaware of the extent of the regulation and in the case of Phenol, isopropylated phosphate (3:1) (PIP (3:1)), even unaware of the widespread use. We will discuss the 5 PBT substances, the new comment period to reexamine the rules and the hold on enforcement for PIP. We will also look at some supply chain management ideas to effectively comply with these and similar regulations.
Confidential business information under TSCA
Round-table Live podcast recording: TSCA hot topics panel discussion
Daniel Rosenberg
Director, Federal Toxics Policy, Healthy People & Thriving Communities Program, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), USModerator: Terry Hyland
Senior Editor, North America, Chemical Watch News & Insight, Enhesa Product Intelligence -
Conference conclusion