Mauro Scalia
Director, Sustainable Business, The European Apparel and Textile Confederation (EURATEX)
Mike Potts
Principal Enforcement Officer, Chemicals Regulation Division, Health and Safety Executive, UK
Louis Burns
Inspector of Health and Safety, Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland (HSENI)
Edwin Romel Navaluna
Supervising Environmental Management Specialist, Environmental Management Bureau-Department of Environment and Natural Resources, The Philippines
Yoshihito Masaki
Staff of the Data Analysis Division, Chemical Management Center,, National Institute of Technology and Evaluation (Nite), Japan
James Miles
Chief of the Chemical Risk and Reporting Enforcement Branch (CRREB), Office of Civil Enforcement, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, US Environmental Protection Agency
Susan Smith
Head of Compliance, Monitoring and Enforcement, Environmental Protection Authority, New Zealand
Ken Zarker
Pollution Prevention Section Manager, Washington State Department of Ecology, USA