Speaker profile

Katja vom Hofe
Katja vom Hofe is a German lawyer who works for the German Member State Competent Authority, the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health – Federal Office for Chemicals, abbreviated “BAuA”. Her fields of expertise include the implementation and enforcement of REACH, CLP and PIC.
Katja has been the German member of ECHA’s “Forum for exchange of information on enforcement” since 2010. She was elected Vice Chair of the Forum in 2023 after serving the maximum of two consecutive terms as chair from 2017. Katja has also chaired numerous Forum Working Groups, which inter alia developed the “Interlinks” processes and the Forum’s Multi-Annual Work Programmes. Katja has been a member of the European Product Compliance Network (EUPCN) since its inaugural meeting in January 2021, representing the Forum as a Commission ADCO. In the EUPCN, Katja has been chosen as a member of the Commission’s partner group for the development of the reporting tool ICSMS for enforcers.
At national level, Katja is an invitee to the German Working Committee of the Federal Government and the States on Chemical Safety (BLAC) and the German Market Surveillance Forum (DMÜF).