An introduction to what you need to know about biocides and antimicrobial pesticide regulation under EPA-FIFRA in the US.

This webinar gives an overview of the regulatory information you need for your business planning, enabling your business to stay compliant with EPA-FIFRA. It will cover the regulatory compliance related to placing your antimicrobial product on the US market. The speaker will explain what you need to know before manufacturing, importing, formulating and distributing your antimicrobial product on the market under EPA-FIFRA regulations.

It will also cover a successful US-focused efficacy approach for testing pesticide products under FIFRA regulations. The speaker will walk through an antimicrobial pesticide registration process in the US and how to meet EPA efficacy requirements and guidelines.

By watching this webinar you will learn about:

  • Biocides – antimicrobial pesticides
  • US regulatory statutes
  • Antimicrobials under FIFRA
  • EPA-registered establishment 
  • Foreign producers
  • Antimicrobial categories and registration process
  • Data requirements
  • Import
  • Successful efficacy approach for testing pesticide products under FIFRA regulations
  • How to meet EPA efficacy requirements and guidelines

Watch the session below: