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Event welcome
- Session one: Regulations in Eurasia and Africa
Eurasia REACH
- Efforts of the member states
- News and updates
- Outlook for 2022
Technical regulation in the EAEU, TR EAEU 041/2017
- Technical regulation, a twenty year journey in Russia and the EAEU;
- Implementation of TR 041/2017, five years of experience, current status and future;
- The requirements of technical regulation for international companies in registration of chemical products imports. Analysis of risks by options. What can be optimal?
Break (1hr 10min)
Sponsor workshop with REACHLaw: Turkey KKDIK
- Turkey KKDIK recap
- KKDIK Registrations overview
- Case of KKDIK Co-Registering a substance - Process walkthrough
- Summary
A synopsis of Turkish chemicals regulations
This presentation will cover the key Turkish chemicals regulations KKDIK, SEA and SDS and take a look at the EU‐Turkey Regulatory Approximation, KKDIK, transition and key provisions, forseeable challenges and choices for compliance.
Regulatory Updates in Africa
Activities & Outlook for 2022
- Chemical management in Kenya
- Updates on standards in East African Community (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda) for chemical, cosmetic, wet wipes and other biocidal products
- Other updates in Egypt, Ghana, Sierra Leone
Chemical Management Regulatory Framework in South Africa
- Hazard communication (classification, packaging, labeling and SDS), and transport.
- Session two: Chemical regulatory updates across the Middle East
Regulatory updates in the Middle East, with particular emphasis on Saudi Arabia
- Overview of the Middle Eastern chemical regulatory environment
- Israel
- Saudi Arabia
- Pakistan
Michael S. Wenk
Senior Manager – Product Risk and Registration, Global Product Risk, Vanderbilt Global Services, LLC -
Regulatory updates in Israel
- GHS implementation
- Israel moves to post-market control of imported products
- Other topics
GHS implementation journey in the Gulf Cooperative Counsel (GCC)
The GHS implementation journey in the Gulf Cooperative Counsel (GCC) started in 2017 at GPCA. Under the directions of the Responsible Care Committee, the Product Stewardship sub-committee have spearheaded the efforts and published the “GSO GHS Standard” to guide the local industry and government agencies to adopt GHS in the GCC.
- introduction to the key agencies involved, their roles and responsibilities;
- GSO (Gulf Standardisation Organisation), responsible for forming the implementation team and manage the process.
Abdallah Abou-Haidar
Senior Specialist, Regulatory Affairs, Product Stewardship Department, SABIC, Saudia Arabia -
Conference wrap up
Chemical Watch platform demonstration
Close of conference