Please note: all timings are listed in UK time (BST), to view start times in your local timezone, please click here.
- Session one: Regulatory developments and trends for FCMs
Key developments on FCMs in Europe
- EU policy strategies, recent EFSA scientific opinions and their implications for the FCM framework regulation
- Other developments: recycled plastics regulation, styrene, EFSA prioritisation for reassessing authorised food contact chemicals
Impact of the implementation of the EU CSS on the regulation of chemicals in food contact materials: An NGO view
- The EU’s current rules on chemicals in food contact materials are incomplete and ineffective
- The Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) is an important step forward in developing a new approach
- We need a system that effectively protects human health and the environment, and promotes innovation towards safer alternatives
The revision of the food contact regulatory system
- Views from the producers of food contact additives
Short break for 30 minutes
One Substance One Assessment: Reach Substances versus Food Contact Substances
- Difference in data endpoints
- Volume based versus migration based
- What about ownership of data
- Suggestions how to combine both data sets and requirements
Biocides in plastics in food contact materials
- Impasse between the FCM regulations and the BPR;
- Specific regulatory considerations for food contact plastics materials and articles;
- Complex treated articles as FCMs;
- Way forward
What’s new for FCM in the UK?
- FCM legal framework in an independent UK
- Significant legal and policy developments
- Keeping pace with EU reform?
Lunch break for 60 minutes
- Session two: Substance-specific issues and risk assessment
Welcome back
Advances in NIAS
Advances in NIAS:
- What are NIAS?
- Importance of NIAS determination for FCM evaluations
- Recent work and advances in identification, quantification and evaluation
Regulations for paper-based packaging
- The position of Cepi on the harmonisation at EU level of paper and board for food contact applications
- The crucial role of Good Manufacturing Practice in ensuring the safety of FCM products
- The revised Cepi Guideline for Good Manufacturing Practice
- Reasons for the revision, approach and contents
Eugenio Cavallini
Technical Manager, CEPI aisbl – Confederation of European Paper Industries, Belgium -
Risk assessment of Food Contact Materials
- hazard identification and characterisation: do hazardous substances always represent a risk?
- exposure and safe use of food contact materials
- risk assessment and risk management- defining acceptable risks from food contact materials
Short break for 20 minutes
Ceramics regulation under preparation from an industry point of view
- Limit values
- Food simulant and migration conditions
- Involvement of supply chain
Gernot Strehl
Head of Food Contact Technical Expert Team, Federation of the European Cookware, Cutlery and Houseware Industries (FEC) -
The EU regulatory landscape for printed food contact materials (FCM)
- EuPIA initiatives such as the EuPIA Exclusion policy, FCM material guidance, substance hazard assessment, and sustainability initiatives
- Chemical strategy for sustainability and how this may impact printed FCMs
- Revisions to the FCM framework regulation
- Discuss the national regulation
German Ink Ordinance: An overview of the regulation and its impact on the EU common market
- Legal framework in Germany and the EU
- What will be changed by the so called "Printing Ink Ordinance”?
- Which information is provided by the printing ink industry?
- What applies during the transition period?
Close of day one