
Timings are in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) 

  1. Chemical Watch demo

  2. Welcome and introduction

    Judy Jackson Judy Jackson
    Events Director - Head of Global Events, Chemical Watch Research Ltd.
  3. Keynote  Global perspectives on reducing harm from PFASs


    Arlene Blum Arlene Blum
    Executive Director, Green Science Policy Institute and Research Associate in Chemistry, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, University of California at Berkeley
  4. Session 1: Regulatory updates for PFASs


    Jean-Philippe Montfort Jean-Philippe Montfort
    Partner, Mayer Brown Europe-Brussels LLP
  6. OECD work on PFAS at global level

    • The what and why of the OECD/UNEP Global PFAS Group 
    • Latest group reports and activities  
    Eeva Leinala Eeva Leinala
    Principal Administrator, Risk Management, Mutual Acceptance of Data and Good Laboratory Practices, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
  7. EU policy and regulatory overview

    • The policy framework to address PFAS concerns 
    • The EU chemicals strategy for sustainability and the PFAS action plan 
    • Actions under REACH and other EU legislations 
    Valentina Bertato Valentina Bertato
    Policy Officer, European Commission, DG Environment
  8. Update on US activities related to PFASs

    Jeffrey L Dawson Jeffrey L Dawson
    Senior Science Adviser, Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention (OCSPP), US EPA
  9. Overview of US State level activities and some insights into Asia Pacific

    • Differing state approaches to PFAS drinking water regulations 
    • How the environmental justice movement is shaping state-level PFAS activities 
    • Consumer goods regulations – which products are in the crosshairs and which will be next? 
    • How states are addressing PFAS-related greenwashing concerns 
    • Regulatory updates from Asia Pacific 
    John Gardella John Gardella
    Co-Owner / Attorney, CMBG3 Law, USA
  10. Q&A and panel discussion: Discuss and compare different regulatory approaches and timelines

  11. Short break

  12. Session 2: The complexity of decision making on PFASs


    Lori Bestervelt Lori Bestervelt
    Operations Lead, Scivera, Scivera/Enhesa
  14. The Royal Society of Chemistry’s new policy position ‘Risk-based regulation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances’ 

    Camilla Alexander-White Camilla Alexander-White
    Lead Policy Advisor – Chemicals Policy, Royal Society of Chemistry
  15. Views of FPP4EU on opportunities and challenges of PFAS regulatory measures for the chemical industry

    • Introduction to Cefic Sector Group FPP4EU on FluoroProducts and PFASs for Europe 
    • Activities of the group focusing on grouping and risk assessment challenges 
    • Downstream user input via active collaboration platform 
    • Need for collaboration with all key stakeholders  
    Marleen Pauwels Marleen Pauwels
    Executive Director, Halogens Industry Sector, European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic)
  16. Risk assessment and risk management of PFAS restrictions at the European Chemicals Agency

    Peter Simpson Peter Simpson
    Director, Affinity Element Limited
  17. A chemical category-based approach for selecting and screening PFAS for toxicity and toxicokinetic testing

    Richard Judson Richard Judson
    Bioinformatician, Center for Computational Toxicology and Exposure (CCTE), Office of Research and Development, US EPA
  18. Evaluating alternatives to PFASs as a class of chemicals in consumer products in a regulatory context – examples from Washington State

    • Introduction to the Safer Products for Washington Programme
    • Use of a class-based approach to assess and compare hazards
    • Application of this approach to evaluate potential alternatives to PFAS-containing consumer products
    Rae Eaton Rae Eaton
    Chemical Hazard & Alternatives Assessment Specialist, Hazardous Waste and Toxics Reduction program, Washington State Department of Ecology
  19. Q&A and panel discussion: How can we best define PFASs, group them and determine which, if any, are safe?

  20. Short break

  21. Session 3: Availability of PFAS alternatives


    Chris Enlow Chris Enlow
    Sustainability Consultant
  23. OECD reports on alternatives in paper and paperboard for food packaging and in the paints, coatings and varnishes sector

    • Main findings of the two reports on identification of alternatives 
    • Challenges to such analyses 
    • What do we know about the hazards of the alternatives? 
    Eeva Leinala Eeva Leinala
    Principal Administrator, Risk Management, Mutual Acceptance of Data and Good Laboratory Practices, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
  24. Availability, challenges and gaps for alternatives PFAS in different sectors

    • PFAS phase-out is in progress and there is a need for safer alternatives 
    • Which functions and uses are covered by safer alternatives?  
    • In which sectors do we need more information regarding alternatives? 
    • How should other challenges connected to PFAS phase out  such as performance or communication  be tackled? 
    Jonatan Kleimark Jonatan Kleimark
    Senior Chemicals and Business Adviser, ChemSec
  25. Accelerating the transition to PFAS-free chemistry in consumer products

    Martin Mulvihill Martin Mulvihill
    Co-Founder, Safer Made
  26. PFAS-free Fire Fighting Foams

    • Changing marketplace – a snap-shot of the different types of regulations around the world and the short timelines users of firefighting foams are facing 
    • Do they work? – looking at the fire performance of some fluorine free foams 
    • Can I use it? – independent certification of the environmental credentials and how to apply them  
    • Deploy for use – lessons learned when transitioning fire suppression systems to a fluorine free foam 
    David Plant David Plant
    Global Product Manager – Firefighting Chemicals, Angus Fire
  27. Q&A and panel discussion: Successes and challenges for developing PFAS alternatives for different uses and sectors

  28. Short break

  29. Session 4: Case studies from different stakeholders


    Chris Enlow Chris Enlow
    Sustainability Consultant
  31. Global PFAS regulations: A manufacturer’s perspective


    Martyn Shenton Martyn Shenton
    Product and Process Steward, AGC Chemicals Europe, Ltd
  32. NGO project on PFASs in consumer products

    Yuyun Ismawati Drwiega Yuyun Ismawati Drwiega
    Senior Advisor, Nexus3 Foundation
  33. Eco-Products: Finding PFAS alternatives for foodservice packaging

    • Eco-Products overview 
    • PFAS impacts on foodservice packaging 
    • Our PFAS alternative roadmap 
    • Our proprietary Vanguard™ formulation and regrettable substitutes  
    Nicole Tariku Nicole Tariku
    Director of Marketing, Eco-Products, PBC
  34. Nike's transition to PFC-free durable water repellents across the business

    • Nike's PFC-free commitment and where it started 
    • Avoiding regrettable substitutions 
    • Apparel/accessories strategy 
    • Footwear strategy 
    • Lessons learned 
    Josh Goebel Josh Goebel
    Sustainability Project Manager, Nike
  35. Final Q&A and panel discussion

  36. End of conference