
Judy Jackson

Events Director - Head of Global Events, Chemical Watch Research Ltd.

Arlene Blum

Executive Director, Green Science Policy Institute and Research Associate in Chemistry, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, University of California at Berkeley

Jean-Philippe Montfort

Partner, Mayer Brown Europe-Brussels LLP

Eeva Leinala

Principal Administrator, Risk Management, Mutual Acceptance of Data and Good Laboratory Practices, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Valentina Bertato

Policy Officer, European Commission, DG Environment

Jeffrey L Dawson

Senior Science Adviser, Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention (OCSPP), US EPA

John Gardella

Co-Owner / Attorney, CMBG3 Law, USA

Camilla Alexander-White

Lead Policy Advisor – Chemicals Policy, Royal Society of Chemistry

Marleen Pauwels

Executive Director, Halogens Industry Sector, European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic)

Peter Simpson

Director, Affinity Element Limited

Rae Eaton

Chemical Hazard & Alternatives Assessment Specialist, Hazardous Waste and Toxics Reduction program, Washington State Department of Ecology

Richard Judson

Bioinformatician, Center for Computational Toxicology and Exposure (CCTE), Office of Research and Development, US EPA

Jonatan Kleimark

Head of Corporate Sustainability, ChemSec

Martin Mulvihill

Co-Founder, Safer Made

David Plant

Global Product Manager – Firefighting Chemicals, Angus Fire

Martyn Shenton

Product and Process Steward, AGC Chemicals Europe, Ltd

Yuyun Ismawati Drwiega

Senior Advisor, Nexus3 Foundation

Josh Goebel

Sustainability Project Manager, Nike

Chris Enlow

Sustainability Consultant

Lori Bestervelt

Operations Lead, Scivera, Scivera/Enhesa

Nicole Tariku

Director of Marketing, Eco-Products, PBC