Exhibitor Profile

home.chemicalwatch.com/scivera-introduction/?utm_source=CW-events&utm_medium=Exhibitor-profile&utm_campaign=Scivera-CW-eventsScivera has been helping leading product brands and suppliers across the globe create better products using safer chemicals since 2008. In 2021, Scivera joined the Enhesa group in order to help build a safer, more sustainable world.
Scivera's unique cloud-based platform, SciveraLENS®, utilizes over 4,000 chemical hazard assessments (CHAs) completed by board-certified toxicologists to help brands and suppliers know exactly what chemicals are in their products and identify safer alternatives when needed.
With SciveraLENS®, you have access to valuable chemical assessment information to help you make informed product development decisions, support your chemical and product certification needs, and communicate chemical assessment information while maintaining confidential ingredient information.
"Scivera allows me to make recommendations around preferred chemistry without spending weeks doing the required research and to answer key questions relating to the sustainability of chemicals far quicker than we would otherwise be able to—it is a cost-saving tool for us.
[Perhaps] the biggest benefit is enabling us continued market access—it protects us from the potential harm of either releasing a product with banned chemicals or being caught on the wrong side of regulatory changes relating to harmful chemicals."