
Please note: all timings are BST, to view start times in your local timezone, please click here.

  1. Conference welcome

    Leigh Stringer Leigh Stringer
    Managing Editor, Europe, Chemical Watch News & Insight - by Enhesa
  2. Session one: Regulatory updates from Europe
  3. The EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability and main initiatives relating to the electronics sector

    • Background and main aims of the CSS;
    • Key actions that will affect the electronics industry; and
    • Approach taken by leading electronics companies to reduce non-essential substances.
    Harry Wild Harry Wild
    Lead Chemicals Analyst, Sphera BOMcheck
  4. Updates on EU RoHS: the RoHS general review

    • The original RoHS directive came into force in July 2006, with a major revision taking effect from January 2013;
    • The process to introduce a third version is now fully underway - with a Call for Evidence and a major stakeholder consultation already completed this year; and
    • Hear an overview of progress to date and find out the latest developments & timelines.
    Steven Andrews Steven Andrews
    Regulatory & Sustainability Expert - Product Sustainability, Assent
  5. RoHS and REACH issues at the borderline

    Ruxandra Cana Ruxandra Cana
    Partner, Steptoe LLP
  6. Q&A

  7. Short break

  8. Draft EU battery regulations – a panel discussion

    • Future EU battery regulation: battery metals perspective - Kamila Slupek

    Kamila Slupek Kamila Slupek
    Sustainability Director, Eurometaux
    Steven Andrews Steven Andrews
    Regulatory & Sustainability Expert - Product Sustainability, Assent
  9. Q&A

  10. REACH revision

    • The Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) and the revision of REACH​;
    • Restriction vs authorisation​;
    • Essential use​;
    • Generic approach to risk management (‘GMA’)​; and
    • Considerations for the electronics sector.
    Claudio Mereu Claudio Mereu
    Partner, EU Regulatory, Fieldfisher LLP, Belgium
  11. SCIP database updates

    • Background on SCIP database and its major milestones;
    • Current status of SCIP; and
    • Insights into the dissemination of SCIP data.
    Michaela Simjakova Michaela Simjakova
    Regulatory Assistant, European Chemicals Agency
  12. Q&A

  13. Lunch break for 60 minutes

  14. Chemical Watch platform demonstration

  15. Welcome back

    Leigh Stringer Leigh Stringer
    Managing Editor, Europe, Chemical Watch News & Insight - by Enhesa
  16. Session two: E-waste and EEE
  17. EEE and sustainability obligations beyond chemical policy

    • Introduction to EU sustainable product policy;
    • Current EEE product sustainability "obligations"; and
    • EEE product sustainability obligations in the future
    Kamelija Milosev Kamelija Milosev
    Subject Matter Expert - Chemicals, Enhesa
  18. The work of the WEEE Forum

    The WEEE Forum is the world’s biggest association of e-waste producer responsibility organisations. The forty-six PROs collected more than 3 million tonnes of e-waste last year. The WEEE Forum’s mission is to tackle the worldwide societal challenge of electronic waste.

    Pascal Leroy Pascal Leroy
    Director General, WEEE Forum
  19. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) recycling from e-waste plastics into new products

    • Product testing in 19 European countries showed items on sale in Europe contained flame retardant chemicals, which are found in electronic waste and are restricted on health and environmental grounds; and
    • Civil society organisations under the Arnika and IPEN lead calls for closure of the loophole in EU and international legislation that allows products made from recycled waste to contain these contaminants.
    Jitka Strakova Jitka Strakova
    Global Researcher, IPEN/Arnika
  20. Q&A

    Joined by

    Jindrich Petrlik Jindrich Petrlik
    Programme Director, Arnika
  21. Short break

  22. Session three: Electronics components and substance specific issues
  23. Key challenges for electronic components

    • A review of unique challenges facing component manufacturers as a result of their position in the supply chain;
    • How the latest trend of prioritising environmental concerns is impacting component providers ability to respond to supply chain requests; and
    • Some ideas for component producers who are seeking to develop a robust environmental compliance validation process.
    Randy Flinders Randy Flinders
    Compliance Specialist, GreenSoft Technology, United States
  24. PFAS updates for the electronics sector

    • Why PFAS? There is an increased focus on removing PFAS from everyday products, both from legislators and consumers, and this will have tremendous effect on the electronics industry;
    • Where is PFAS? How can companies identify uses of PFAS, the first step towards phasing out, and where can they get the support they need?; and
    • Instead of PFAS? Where are the alternatives, for which uses, and where is it a lack of alternatives?
    Jonatan Kleimark Jonatan Kleimark
    Senior Chemicals and Business Adviser, ChemSec
  25. Q&A

  26. Short break

  27. REACH authorisation for lead metal and future risk management consequences

    • Business and supply chain impacts in the event of REACH authorisation listing;
    • Regulatory concerns and overlaps; and
    • Timeline, actions, next steps
    Lisa Allen Lisa Allen
    Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager, International Lead Association (ILA)
  28. The future of risk management and the influence of the Pb metal case

    • The Pb metal case provides a good example to reflect on appropriate and efficient risk management;
    • The present risk management scheme on Pb focusses on restrictions and OEL setting and is effective;
    • Authorisation seems for Pb more a policy aim given substitution pressure is there since decades;
    • In the future under the new REACH we expect:
      • more emphasis on prioritisation what matters;
      • use of risk based restrictions when EU wide risk management is needed;
      • complemented by some generic risk approach cases for remaining consumer cases for specific health/environmental endpoints; and
    • (more) efficiency and effectiveness should drive risk management in the future embedded in a sustainability view for the substance or technology of concern.
    Hugo Waeterschoot Hugo Waeterschoot
    Chemicals Management Advisor, Eurometaux, Belgium
  29. Increase in restrictions on Li

    • The risk assessment committee of ECHA proposed in 2021 a 1A classification reprotox for lithium chloride, carbonate and hydroxide, despite weak evidence; 
    • If approved, the classification will have serious implications for the development of a European lithium and battery value chain, particularly for strategic autonomy and green deal objectives; and 
    • The presentation will focus on recent developments in the classification process and possible socio-economic impacts. 
    Francesco Gattiglio Francesco Gattiglio
    Director External Affairs, EU, Albemarle
  30. Flame retardants

    • The importance of fire safety & use of flame retardants in electronics;
    • Defective or non-standard EEE contribute to increased fire risk;
    • Brominated flame retardants (BFR) & recycling of WEEE plastics in Europe; and
    • How BFRs provide important solutions for a circular economy.
    Sander Kroon Sander Kroon
    Director Advocacy Europe, ICL-Industrial Products (IP)
  31. Q&A

  32. Close of day one

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