
Please note: Timings are in CET (Central European Time) 

  1. Registration

  2. Welcome and introduction

    David Dillon David Dillon
    Independent Biocides Expert
  3. Session 1: Overviews
  4. Keynote  The EU Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) and the BPR

    Thomas Jakl Thomas Jakl
    Head of Chemical Policy and Biocides, Federal Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism, Austria
  5. EU Commission overview

    • Technical assistance to MSs 2022-2027 
    • Dissemination of finalised CA documents in CIRCABC 
    • Management of new data on an AS in an application for BP authorisation//Consequences for BPs of new information becoming available
    • Renewal creosote, approval L(+) acid
    • Article 19(4) and in situ biocidal products
    • Classification of in situ active substances
    • Post-authorisation conditions-physical, chemical and technical properties 
    • Approval in-can preservatives PT-6
    • Renewal of antifouling active substances (PT-21)
    • Mutual recognition procedures 
    Marta Cainzos Garcia Marta Cainzos Garcia
    Policy Officer, European Commission, DG SANTE
  6. General update from Echa with an emphasis on processes related to product authorisation

    • General update Echa activities on active substances and guidance development​
    • Progress of applications for Union Authorisation​
    • Improvement of applications for Union Authorisation​
    • Process development for Union Authorisation​
    Joost van Galen Joost van Galen
    Chair of the Biocidal Products Committee, European Chemicals Agency
  7. Industry perspective of the BPR 

    • Purpose of the BPR 
    • Current situation for industry 
    • Root cause 
    • Suggestions for improvement 
    Ilona den Hartog Ilona den Hartog
    Product Specialist Biocides, Nouryon Surface Chemistry
  8. Q&A and panel discussion

  9. Refreshment break

  10. Session 2: Regulatory processes in the European biocides sector
  11. UK biocides regulation


    • The regulatory position in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
      • Impact of the Northern Ireland Protocol on products for the Northern Ireland market
      • GB BPR transitional arrangements that required action from applicants - there is still time to act on the Article 95 requirements 
    • The work the Health and Safety Executive in relation to active substances and products, including the GB active substance review programme 
    Nicola Gregg Nicola Gregg
    Head of Operational Policy, Biocides, Health and Safety Executive, UK
  12. Strategy for bringing a new active substance to market in different regions under different regulations, including the BPR


    • Challenges Bio-Gene Technology faces
    • Strategy to tackle regulatory challenges
    • Opportunities for new technologies
    Sarah Driessens Sarah Driessens
    Global Regulatory Affairs Lead, Bio-Gene Technology
  13. Q&A

  14. Lunch

  15. Session 2: The regulatory processes in the European biocides sector, continued
  16. Renewals for active substances and biocidal products

    • Outline of renewal procedures
    • Experiences gained so far at the CTGB
    Cindy Van Der Meer Cindy Van Der Meer
    Account Manager Biocides, Ctgb, Netherlands
  17. Socio-economic analysis for rodenticides

    Boris Van Berlo Boris Van Berlo
    Sector Group Manager, Biocides for Europe - CEFIC
    Gabrielle Cor Gabrielle Cor
    President of the Rodent Control Group – Biocides for Europe and Regulatory Affairs Manager, Liphatech, France
  18. Simplified registration: BPR Article 25 in practice

    • What are the rules? 
    • How does it work? 
    • Does it contribute to sustainability? 
    Daniëlle van Corven-Kloosterman Daniëlle van Corven-Kloosterman
    Director Registration Team Europe, Diversey, a Solenis company
  19. The linguistic review process of Union Authorisation applications

    • Pitfall at the end of the approval procedure 
    • The overall process, including feedback from individual member states 
    • The quality of the translation impacts the duration of the adoption phase and publication
    • Recommendations 
    Gunnar Kleist Gunnar Kleist
    Senior Expert Regulatory Biocides, Knieler & Team GmbH, Hamburg, Germany
  20. Q&A

  21. Refreshment break

  22. Session 3: Testing and modelling updates
  23. Formation experiments with disinfection by-products (DBPs) and implications for environmental risk assessment

    • Simulation of disinfection applications
    • Consideration of uses in aqueous matrix as well as on hard surfaces
    • Testing of influence of various parameters
    • Possible implications for the environmental risk assessment
    Michael Hüben Michael Hüben
    Head of Laboratory / Study Director, Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology (Fraunhofer IME)
  24. Measuring drift during the application of biocides

    • EPS control is a biocide application with a high drift potential
    • Measurement of drift when using cannon sprayer and helicopters
    • Calculation of basic drift values for risk assessment for the approval of biocidal products
    Tina Langkamp-Wedde Tina Langkamp-Wedde
    Research Assistant, Julius Kühn Institute (JKI), Federal Research Center for Cultivated Plants Institute for Application Technology in Plant Protection, Germany
  25. Carrier-based biocidal products and how to handle them

    • Classification
    • Carrier component
    • Physico-chemical properties
    • Exposure assessment
    • Efficacy
    Daniela Romano Daniela Romano
    Senior Consultant for Biocidal Products, knoell Germany GmbH
  26. Q&A

  27. End of day one / drinks reception

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