Please note: Timings are in CET (Central European Time)
- Session 4: Sustainability and the BPR
Updates on the high-level round table discussions and the likely impacts of the Reach/CLP reviews on the biocides sector
- Recent developments in the REACH/CLP review
- Links between Reach and biocides regulation
- New hazard classes
- Possible implications for active substance approval and product authorisation
Paul Krajnik
Deputy Director Chemicals and Biocides, Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, Austria -
The EU Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (CSS): What does it mean for biocides?
- The Green Deal and CSS: compliance of biocides?
- Impact assessment and socio-economic analysis (SEA)
- A strategy for biocides
The Blue Angel ecolabel approach to antifouling
- 100 non-biocidal antifouling systems identified for the German market
- 14 different mechanisms of action
- Proofs of concept and banned substances
Bernd Daehne
Director of Antifouling Research Station, Dr. Brill + Partner - Institute for Antifouling and Biocorrosion -
Refreshment break
- Session 4: Sustainability and the BPR, continued
Legal perspective: Implications of sustainability regulations for companies in the biocides sector
- Context and drivers for sustainability
- Current successes, difficulties and opportunities
Biocides and sustainable use
Panel discussion on biocides and sustainable use
Chemical Watch demo
- Session 5: The assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals under the BPR
Scientific criteria to identify endocrine chemicals
- What are the new methods and their implementation within regulatory assessment?
- How to build the weight of evidence?
- Why is mechanistic toxicology required for ED assessment?
- Endocrine activity versus adverse outcome?
The latest developments and significant legal issues arising on ED assessments
- Are the BPR’s ED criteria implementable?
- Data rights issues
- Impact of chemicals strategy for sustainability
- ED as a new hazard class under the Regulation on the classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (CLP)
- One substance, one assessment
Refreshment break
- Session 6: Efficacy updates
Efficacy evaluation of disinfectants PT 1 to 5, PT 21 and treated articles PT 10 based on current development and Echa efficacy guidance including biofilm-activity testing
- Overview of current activity test methods for PT 1 – 5, PT 10 and PT 21
- Update on latest resistance developments
- Biofilm activity methods – quo vadis?
Florian H H Brill
Owner and Managing Director, Dr Brill + Partner GmbH, Institut für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie -
Efficacy – beyond the guidance
- The applicant
- The assessor
- The efficacy method provider
Simulated use test and field trial for PT5 claims and applications
- PT 5 claim matrix and Echa test requirements
- Simulated use test – validation requirements (case study: UBA test)
- Robust field trial experimental design (case study: animal drinking water facility)
End of conference