


    Leigh Stringer Leigh Stringer
    Managing Editor, Europe, Chemical Watch News & Insight, Enhesa Product Intelligence
  2. Registration and Refreshments

  3. Welcome

    Peter Schramme Peter Schramme
    CEO, Enhesa
  4. Keynote Session: Europe Regulatory Trends in 2022

    Cristina de Avila Cristina de Avila
    Head of Unit, Sustainable Chemicals, DG Environment, European Commission
    Sylvie Lemoine Sylvie Lemoine
    Executive Director Product Stewardship, Cefic
    Peter Van Der Zandt Peter Van Der Zandt
    Director Risk Management, ECHA
  5. Q&A

  6. Refreshments

  7. The EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability Panel – A two-year Review
  8. The EU Commission view

    Cristina de Avila Cristina de Avila
    Head of Unit, Sustainable Chemicals, DG Environment, European Commission
  9. Industry view on CSS and proposal for a path forward

    Martin Klatt Martin Klatt
    Executive Specialist Regulatory Affairs, Head of Product Stewardship Dispersions and Resins, BASF SE, E-EDE/QP, Germany
  10. NGOs appraisal on the CSS implementation

    Tatiana Santos Tatiana Santos
    Head of Chemicals Policy, European Environmental Bureau (EEB), Belgium
  11. Essential Uses

    Jean-Philippe Montfort Jean-Philippe Montfort
    Partner, Mayer Brown Europe-Brussels LLP
  12. More industry views

    Hugo Waeterschoot Hugo Waeterschoot
    Chemicals Management Advisor, Eurometaux, Belgium
  13. Q&A

  14. Lunch

  15. The REACH review

    • The REACH Review process (impact assessment, consultation) and expected timing
    • Key elements of the revision
      • Introduction of the Essential Use Concept and the GRA
    • Other key aspects: polymer registration, intermediate, OSOA
    Jean-Philippe Montfort Jean-Philippe Montfort
    Partner, Mayer Brown Europe-Brussels LLP
  16. REACH Restrictions Update

    • Restriction vs authorization (or other alternatives)
    • The grouping approach to restrictions
    • Will the measures achieve their intended objectives?
    • What practical consequences for industry?
    Claudio Mereu Claudio Mereu
    Partner, EU Regulatory, Fieldfisher LLP, Belgium
  17. New Hazard Classes for CLP

    • Current status
    • CSS and CLP revision
    • Intended outcomes
    • Consequences / implications
    • Take away messages
    Eléonore Mullier Eléonore Mullier
    Partner, Steptoe LLP, Belgium
  18. Mixtures Assessment Factor

    • What it is,
    • why they are doing it,
    • what it is likely to look like,
    • timings,
    • UK plans and
    • what it means for industry
    Caroline Raine Caroline Raine
    Chemical legislation expert
  19. Q&A

  20. Refreshments

  21. Biocidal Products Regulation Review

    Which issues which are already impacted by other regulatory developments? Which topics would need to be addressed in a future review of the BPR?

    • One substance one assessment
    • Endocrine disruptors
    • Review programme
    • Data protection periods
    • Extension of BoA role
    Hannah Widemann Hannah Widemann
    Senior Associate, Chemical and Life Sciences, Steptoe & Johnson LLP
  22. Looking Ahead to RoHS 3 - what might feature in the commission's proposals?

    With the Restriction of Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS) Directive recast in force now for nearly ten years, the European Commission has begun the process of preparing proposals for a third iteration of this pioneering legislation. 

    Current information suggests that these will be published in the second quarter of 2023.  What can we expect, what are the timelines and how might this impact on the electronics sector in future both within the EU and globally?

    Steven Andrews Steven Andrews
    Regulatory & Sustainability Expert - Product Sustainability, Assent
  23. EU Cosmetics Regulatory Updates

    • Brief overview of the latest and the forthcoming technical amendments of the Cosmetics Products Regulation
    • The targeted revision of the Regulation
    • Possible extension of the generic risk approach to other hazard classes 
    • The definition of nanomaterials
    • The future of the SCCS 
    • Possibilities for digital labelling
    Hans Ingels Hans Ingels
    Head of Unit Bio-economy, Chemicals and Cosmetics DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission
  24. Q&A

  25. Close of Day One/Drinks

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