Timings are in Central European Summer Time (CEST)
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Coffee and registration
Moderator: David Dillon, Senior Regulatory and Compliance Analyst, Chemical Watch
Welcome and introduction
- Session 1: Enforcement of European chemicals legislation in the context of the REACH and CLP revisions
Update from Echa’s Forum for Exchange of Information on Enforcement
- Overview of Forum activities
- Zero tolerance for non-compliance
- Strengthening the Forum's role
How to align REACH with best enforcement practices
- The need for strong public enforcement
- The need for complementary private enforcement
- Examples of enforcement tools used in other fields
- Status quo under REACH
Commission´s view on the enforcement dimensions of the REACH and CLP revisions
- Why do we need new enforcement rules in REACH and CLP?
- Update of the envisaged amendments
- Role of national authorities, business and civil society
Refreshment break
Industry perspectives on improving enforcement and market surveillance
- How to reconcile the chemicals strategy for sustainability’s aims to speed up regulatory action on chemical legislation and strengthen market surveillance through a 'zero tolerance approach to non-compliance'
- Data from Rapex/EU Safety Gate show that we still have an issue enforcing current legislation, and this is becoming more complex due to popularity of online sales
Update from Echa’s Unit Support and Enforcement
- What have we learned from 15 years of the enforcement forum?
- Looking forward for the next 15 years!
- How to engage better with all our stakeholders?
Q&A and panel discussion
The implementation of the enforcement chapter of the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability with its ambition of ‘zero tolerance to non-compliance'
- In the context of the ongoing REACH and CLP revisions and the CSS, what is and is not working in terms of cross-EU enforcement
- How to achieve ‘zero tolerance for non-compliance'
- An EU audit system for regular REACH controls in member states
- How to strengthen the REACH-OSH interlink
- How to build a chemicals–waste interlink
Short break
- Session 2: Appeals procedures
Echa’s Board of Appeal in relation to enforcement
- Role of the Board of Appeal in relation to enforcement
- Follow-up of compliance check decisions
First tier tribunal remedies – a new route to challenge UK authorities
- The role of the General Regulatory Chamber
- Similarities and differences with the Echa Board of Appeal
- Enforcement of data rights in GB
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- Session 3: Current core enforcement updates
REF-11 updates
- A brief look at the amended Annex II of REACH, the trigger for REF-11
- Project scope and objectives
- Expected outcome of the project
- Project timeline
The scope of, and Swedish experiences with, REF-10 and other national enforcement projects
- Scope of REF-10 integrated product control
- Examples of integrated control of articles in Sweden (summer articles and home electronics)
Ongoing enforcement projects anticipating the CSS
Eugen Anwander
Senior Scientific Officer, Institute for Environment and Food Safety, Vorarlberg State Service, Austria & Vice-chair of Echa BPR Enforcement Forum, Finland -
UK enforcement developments
- Divergence
- Online sales/market surveillance in GB
- Proactive enforcement plans
Mike Potts
Principal Enforcement Officer, Chemicals Regulation Division, Health and Safety Executive, UK -
Short break
Industry reflections on the enforcement of market surveillance
- REACH4textiles updates and early findings to help market surveillance for large volume consumer goods
- Industry self-regulatory measures vs REACH
- Enforceability concerns relating to upcoming REACH restrictions
Mauro Scalia
Director, Sustainable Business, The European Apparel and Textile Confederation (EURATEX) -
Reflections on the enforcement of online sales
- Enforcement case studies
- The challenges faced by enforcing authorities
- Potential solutions – what should or could be done?
Q&A and panel discussion on recent Forum enforcement projects, particularly online sales and market surveillance
Refreshment break
- Session 4: Newly emerging enforcement areas related to the CSS
Experiences with the Danish PFAS ban in paper and board food contact materials (FCMs)
- Introduction to the Danish legislation concerning PFASs in paper and board FCMs
- Enforcement of FCM legislation in Denmark – analysis and inspections
- Recent analytical results for PFASs in paper and board FCMs
KEMI Enforcement 7/21: PFAS in chemical products and articles
- Analysis of restricted PFOAs and PFOSs, and unrestricted PFASs
- Project results and conclusions
End of conference