Review of day one
Roles in REACH
- The different roles and their specific requirements and obligations REACH establishes for companies, with a special focus on downstream users and retailers.
Introduction and overview of the existing basics of the classification (and labelling) of chemicals (with a focus on the CLP regulation)
Enforcement of REACH
- Activities of the Forum
REACH review
- Results and upcoming adaptations
- Nanomaterials
Marko SušnikAdvisor to the Secretary General on Chemicals Policy, SMEunited, and Senior Advisor Chemical Policy, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ), SMEunited / WKÖ -
Practical steps for making a registration
The relevance and structure of a technical dossier
- Overview
- Requirements for structure and content
- Data requirements according to Annex VII-XI
- Databases
- Costs.
Practical exercises on data requirements, core elements and practical aspects of a chemical safety analysis (CSA) and a chemical safety report (CSR)
- The basics and regulatory requirements
- Experiences gained
- Relevance to the registration process as well as the meaning and handling of the terms ‘use’, ‘exposure categories’, and ‘exposure scenarios’
- Basics of “Chesar”.
Close of day two