Timings are in GMT (London)
Module 1 - Classification, labelling and packaging
- Introducing the CLP Regulation
- Different roles and their obligations
- Classifying chemicals in theory and in practice
- Labelling chemicals in theory and in practice
- Harmonised classification, how it works
Marko Sušnik
Advisor to the Secretary General on Chemicals Policy, SMEunited, and Senior Advisor Chemical Policy, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ), SMEunited / WKÖ -
Refreshment Break
Module 1 - Classification, labelling and packaging
- Self-classification, how it works
- Introducing the classification and labelling inventory (CLI)
- Practical examples
- The interface between CLP and other legislation
- Questions and answers
Lunch Break
Module 2 - Poison centre notifications in detail
- Introducing poison centre notification (PCN)
- Different roles and their obligations
- Introducing the unique formula identifier (UFI)
- Deadlines: what matters today, what can be kept for tomorrow?
Refreshment Break
Module 2 - Poison centre notifications in detail
- Exemptions and special rules
- The role of national law and limits of EU-harmonisation
- Practical examples and considerations for specific cases
- Questions and answers
Revision of the CLP regulation
- Content and time-lines
- Questions and answers