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Event welcome
Keynote Global Regulatory Overview
- What are current collaborative activities of countries at the OECD on:
- The evolution of risk assessment
- Risk management
- Data exchange
- Capacity building
- What are medium term prospects of future collaborative work?
Bob Diderich
Head of Division, Environment Directorate, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development - What are current collaborative activities of countries at the OECD on:
- Session one: Regulations in Africa
Chemicals management in Kenya
- Background (Kenya) ie. geographical location, population, etc;
- Overview of policy and legislations on chemicals management in Kenya;
- Promoting sound management of chemicals in Kenya - through multi sectoral committee /multi stakeholder forum; and
- Challenges
Griffins Ochieng
Executive Director and Programmes Coordinator, Centre for Environment Justice and Development -
GHS implementation in Africa
- an update on the UNEP project; and
- discuss how the project aims to increase the global implementation of GHS by providing long-term direct support to four African countries:
- Ghana
- Kenya
- Nigeria
- Côte d’Ivoire.
Q&A session
Break for 20 minutes
Updates on GHS legislation and support
- Recent legislation support for Ghana, Benin and Tanzania; and
- New and upcoming capacity building activities and outputs.
Ghana’s chemical regulation in retrospective
- What has worked well;
- Setbacks, challenges and what needs to be improved; and
- Our FOCUS for the future
Dr Sam Adu-Kumi
National Focal Point, Chemicals and Waste MEAs & SAICM (Outgoing), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) -
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in The Middle East and Africa
- The Concept of EPR; and
- EPR in the Middle East and Africa:
- Turkey
- South Africa
- The GCC
- Other
Q&A session
Lunch break
Chemical Watch platform demonstration
Welcome back
- Session two: Turkish chemicals regulations
Turkey KKDIK: registration process news and updates
- Turkey KKDIK: what’s new
- Registration process updates:
- lead registrations
- co-registrations
- Main challenges in the registration process
Turkish chemicals regulations
- SDS & e-SDS compliance for the Turkish market;
- PCN notification ahead; and
- Turkish SEA regulation and its provisions
Q&A session
Break for 20 minutes
- Session three: Chemical Regulatory Updates across the Middle East
New developments in Israel
- What to expect regarding chemical registration?;
- Chemical standards under the import reform; and
- What is expected this year regarding cosmetics?
Regulations in the Middle East
- Overview of Middle Eastern chemical regulatory environment;
- GHS in Africa;
- Egypt;
- Israel;
- Kenya; and
- Rwanda
Michael S. Wenk
Senior Manager – Product Risk and Registration, Global Product Risk, Vanderbilt Global Services, LLC -
Q&A session
Close of conference