09:15–17:30 Eastern Time (ET) / 06:15–14:30 Pacific Time (PT) / 14:15–22.30 GMT (London, UK) / Or watch on demand
Chemical Watch platform demonstration
Terry Hyland
Senior Editor, North America, Chemical Watch News & Insight, Enhesa Product Intelligence -
High level overview
- Brief summary of the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act
- Overview of key sections of TSCA
Kelly Franklin
North America Managing Editor, Chemical Watch News & Insight, Enhesa Product Intelligence -
Keynote Update from the EPA
- Budget for the TSCA program and what that means for upcoming actions
- Reimagining TSCA risk evaluations
- Future of TSCA implementation
Michal Ilana Freedhoff
Assistant Administrator for OCSPP, Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, EPA -
Test orders update
- Statutory requirements for TSCA test orders
- EPA’s test orders and its testing plans
- Best practices
PFAS reporting rules under TSCA and PFAS testing strategy
- Learn the latest on how the U.S. is approaching PFAS regulation
- How companies can prepare for PFAS testing and other regulations
- Strategies for managing the changing regulatory landscape
TSCA fees update
- Understanding the Methodology and Approach
- Fee Collection, Exemptions and Refinement Opportunities
Kimberly Wise White
Vice President, Regulatory and Scientific Affairs, American Chemistry Council (ACC) -
TSCA litigation
- Overview of Ongoing TSCA litigation
- Observations Regarding Likely Areas of Dispute
- Overview of TSCA Section 21 Petitions
NGO perspectives on TSCA litigation
- Citizens enforcement suits under section 20
- The role of the courts in the section 21 petition process
- Legal challenges to section 4 testing orders
Bob Sussman
Counsel, Safer Chemicals Healthy Families, and Principal, Sussman and Associates, United States -
Sponsor workshop brought to you by Assent: Litigation, Fines & Fees: What to Expect From TSCA Developments
Companies must demonstrate due diligence to the EPA through recordkeeping and customer communication if certain substances are present in parts or products sold in the U.S. Having a solution that goes deeper to get the data about what’s material in your products, allows you to reduce risk associated with fines and fees, while being cost-effective and comply with TSCA requirements.
Chemical Data Reporting rule (TSCA CDR) updates
Preparing for risk evaluation
- Evolving risk evaluation policies and practices
- EPA's unreasonable risk determinations for the “whole chemical”
- Other anticipated changes in the remaining two years of the current Administration and how they will impact risk evaluations of existing chemicals
Risk management options
- What risk management rules to expect in 2023
- How the rules will affect entire supply chains
- Strategies for engagement
Practical solutions to the challenges faced with new chemical notifications
- Key learnings from numerous notifications and interactions with the EPA
- A review of some of the key missing pieces that the EPA needs, upfront, to avoid re-work and delays in the assessments
Enforcement issues
- Recent developments in TSCA enforcement
- Cases/actions
- Results
- Priorities
Greg Sullivan
Director, Waste and Chemical Enforcement Division, US EPA, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, USA -
Confidential Business Information (CBI) updates
- What were the changes on CBI claims originated by the Lautenberg Act?
- CBI Proposed Rule summary
Close of virtual conference