Update on regulations and safety assessment on food contact materials – an industry perspective
- Session 1: Food Contact printed materials
The printing ink industry's contribution to the compliance of printed food contact materials
- How does the European Printing Ink Association (EuPIA) help ensure that printed food contact materials are compliant?
- The selection of raw materials for the manufacture of inks for food contact materials
- The Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) that needs to be followed in the production of these inks
- Exchange of relevant information along the value chain is key for the conformity of printed food contact materials
- What information does the ink industry make available to the next in the chain?
- The position of the Packaging Ink Joint Industry Task Force (PIJITF) on the planned EU regulation on printed food contact materials
"The Swiss Regulation on printing inks”: Swiss Ordinance on materials and articles intended to come into contact with food-stuffs
- Annex 10 of the Swiss Ordinance on FCM - List of permitted substances for the production of printing inks for FCM
- What are the procedures for the inclusion of new printing ink substances into Annex 10?
- Joint safety evaluation of substances in printing inks by Germany (BfR) and Switzerland (FSVO)
Safety assessment of substances in printing inks - examples based on the "EuPIA guidance for risk assessment of Non-Intentionally Added Substances (NIAS) and Non-Listed Substances (NLS) in printing inks for food contact materials":
- Demonstrate how the risk assessment for substances present in printing inks is done
- The search for toxicological data in the REACH database as well as the use of Q-SAR methods (ToxTree) will be used in order to self-derive TDI values
- Further various exposure scenarios based on the EU cube model, the EFSA Food Consumption database and FACET
Matthias Henker
Director of Technology FP EMEA / Chair of EuPIA PIFOOD, Flint Group Packaging Inks Germany GmbH / EuPIA -
EU regulation of chemicals in food contact materials: outdated, ineffective and full of holes
- The EU’s regulation of chemicals in food contact materials does not properly address many food contact materials (including paper & card) and is not properly integrated with the EU’s REACH regulation for industrial chemicals
- CHEM Trust’s recent reports, ‘No Brainer’ and ‘Toxic Soup’, have identified concerns about the potential neurodevelopmental impacts of chemicals used in food contact materials, and the tendency of companies to move from one problematic chemical to a similar one
- A more effective regulatory approach is urgently needed, in order to protect human health, promote innovation to safer alternatives and ensure the effective operation of the EU’s internal market
- Session 2: Risk Assessment and Substance Specific Updates
Risk Assessment of FCMs: Setting the scene
Risk Assessment of non-listed substances (NLS) and non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) under the requirements of Article 3 of the Framework Regulation (EC) 1935/2004
- Risk Assessment of additives used in FCMs using internationally recognized scientific principles
- Hazard and exposure
Substance safety assessment in an harmonized context, illustration with Bisphenol A
- EU regulation 10/2011 (PIM Plastics Implementation measure)
- Key elements related to the safety assessment of plastics and associated additives in the view of Plastics Producers
- Description of the key elements required to support the introduction of a substance approval process via EFSA, illustrated via Bisphenol A situation
- New BPA EU regulation and the current evaluation currently performed by both EU and US authorities
Bisphenol A
Close of conference & cocktail reception