- Session 2: Focus on Regulations in the rest of Asia
GHS development in Asia
- Timeline for GHS implementation in Asia
- Recent GHS updates in Asia
- Different SDS/labels requirements among various countries
- How to comply with standards in multiple areas
K-REACH updates
- PEC Registrations
- K-REACH Amendment
- What to expect
Overview of Act on Safety Management of Consumer Chemical Products and Biocides (K-BPR)
- Background of K-BPR
- Legal Framework of K-BPR
- Key Provisions
- K-BPR vs. EU BPR
Outline of chemical management in Japan
- System of CSCL
- Brief history
- New chemical notification and new rule of bioaccumulation assessment
- Annual reporting and progress of risk assessment
- Amendment of CSCL (2017)
- System of ISHL
- GHS implementation
Vietnam - recent changes in the chemical regulatory framework
- Information on the recently issued Decree 113/2017/ND-CP and Circular 32/2017/TT-BCT
- Review of the other regulations issued in 2017
- Impacts and challenges in chemical management for the Vietnamese market
(via video link)
Current situation of the chemical regulation management in Thailand and the Philippines
- Overview of regulatory process
- Insight in Online Consultation and CBI submission
- How to handle List 5.6 submissions
- Thailand Existing Chemicals Inventory (TECI)
- Proposed Risk Assessment
- Upcoming changes in the Hazardous Substance Act
Malaysia – Overview On Chemical Control Legislation and Aspects of GHS
- Overview on Chemical Control Legislations in Malaysia
- Implementation of GHS in Malaysia
- Occupational Safety and Health (Classification, Labelling and Safety Data Sheet of Hazardous Chemicals) Regulation 2013
- Industry Code of Practice On Chemicals Classification And Hazard Communication 2014 (ICOP CHC 2014)
- Examples of initiative
- Chemical Control Legislations: What’s next?
Elaini Wahab
Deputy Director, Industrial Hygiene and Ergonomic Division, Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH), Malaysia -
Australian chemical framework update
- Overview of the proposed reforms with the new Australian Industrial Chemicals Introduction Scheme (AICIS)
- Regulatory developments with Classification, Safety Data Sheets and labelling
Global data sharing and management
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