Speaker profile

William McCormick III
Bill McCormick is a Research Fellow in global stewardship at the Clorox company. His responsibilities include company and industry advocacy with the pesticide program at the Environmental Protection Agency & global regulatory affairs strategy development. He has been with Clorox for 29 years serving in a variety of positions in the global stewardship department.
Bill is a graduate of Antioch College in Ohio and obtained his Masters Degree in Environmental Health & Toxicology at the University of Michigan. He is a certified toxicologist with the American Board of Toxicology.
His research interests include exposure assessments for antimicrobials. He chairs the ACC antimicrobial exposure assessment task force II, a 23 million dollar 10 year project. In addition Bill is the chair of the CSPA antimicrobial exposure joint venture which examined the uses of antimicrobials in residential settings. Lastly, he has spearheaded the development of idream (indirect dietary residential exposure assessment model) a newly adopted model by EPA that more accurately estimates dietary exposures from foods prepared on residential kitchen surfaces where antimicrobial products are used.