
Please note: all timings are listed in CEST, to view start times in your local timezone, please click here.

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  1. Registration and coffee

  2. Welcome


    David Dillon David Dillon
    Independent Biocides Expert
  3. Session one: General regulatory update
  4. Revision of the FCM legislation: where are we?

    • Setting the scene: latest developments in the FCM legislative revision
    Rachida Semail Rachida Semail
    Partner, Keller and Heckman LLP
  5. Food contact additives (FCA) industry views on the revision of the FCM legislation

    • Regulatory coherence: links with other EU policy initiatives; and
    • Food contact additives (FCA): views of producers.
    Miguel Angel Prieto Arranz Miguel Angel Prieto Arranz
    Director Specialty Chemicals, Cefic-FCA
  6. Food contact approvals (FCA’s): A new approach for the authorisation of FCM’s in the EU

    • Overview of the current requirements for FCM regulatory compliance;
    • Issues to be resolved;
    • A snapshot of potential regulatory solutions and their shortcomings; and
    • Benefits of a “new approach” in the EU – The Food Contact Approval (FCA) system.
    Anna Gergely Anna Gergely
    Director, EHS Regulatory, Steptoe & Johnson, Belgium
  7. Q&A session

    Joined by

    Jonathan Briggs Jonathan Briggs
    Policy Officer - Food Contact Materials, DG SANTE, EU Commission
  8. Refreshment break

  9. Food contact regulations – An NGO view

    • Societal expectations towards the safety of food contact materials;
    • Why we continue to find toxic chemicals in FCMs in the EU; and
    • CHEM Trust’s view on how to regulate FCMs.
    Antonia Reihlen Antonia Reihlen
    Chemical Policy Expert, CHEM Trust
  10. Food contact regulations – role of Member States and challenges

    • Role of Member States in regulation of Food Contact Materials (FCM);
    • Risk-based official control programmes for FCM in EU context;
    • Complying with the new rules for official controls; and
    • Evolution of FCM legislation.
    Bernard Hegarty Bernard Hegarty
    Director, Enforcement Policy, Food Safety Authority of Ireland
  11. Q&A session

    Joined by

    Jonathan Briggs Jonathan Briggs
    Policy Officer - Food Contact Materials, DG SANTE, EU Commission
  12. Lunch and networking

  13. Welcome back


    David Dillon David Dillon
    Independent Biocides Expert
  14. Session two: Restrictions that will affect FCM’s
  15. Upcoming restrictions on bisphenols and the impact on FCM’s

    • Toxicological study of a major NIAS in epoxy resins;
    • The anticipated EFSA opinion on BPA;
    • The restriction in Germany; and
    • The potential impact on FCM, particularly food contact coatings.
    Neil Finley Neil Finley
    Head of Global Food Safety, Henkel Adhesives, UK
  16. PFAS restriction proposal under REACH

    • Main points of the proposal to restrict all PFAS (expected to be published on February 7, 2023), with specific focus on fluoropolymers 
    • Outline of the restriction procedure until final adoption, with specific focus on public consultations; and
    • Effective advocacy: type of requests in the public consultations (derogations, longer transition periods etc.), form, confidentiality issues. 
    Ales Bartl Ales Bartl
    Partner, Keller and Heckman LLP
  17. Q&A session

  18. Session three: Substance-specific issues
  19. What’s new for printing FCM inks in EU & UK?

    • A discussion from an ink manufacturers perspective as to what future food contact material legislation should include:
      • followed by a comparison of how current and proposed legislation fits against that ideal.
    Michael Simoni Michael Simoni
    Global Sustainability Director, Sun Chemical Ltd, UK
  20. NIAS: How to identify the unidentified

    • What are NIAS and why are they (regulatorily) important?;
    • Identification of NIAS;
    • Quantification of NIAS; and
    • Recent advances.
    Malcolm Driffield Malcolm Driffield
    Managing Scientist, Chemical Regulation & Food Safety, Exponent
  21. Q&A session

  22. Refreshment break

  23. Session four: Packaging
  24. Plastics recycling in food contact applications

    • Market figures plastics;
    • Plastics packaging save resources and energy; and
    • Recycling instead of landfilling
    Dr Sabine Lindner Dr Sabine Lindner
    Senior Expert Consumer Affairs, PlasticsEurope Deutschland e. V.
  25. Environmental packaging marking requirements in Europe


    • understand the increase of environmental packaging EPR-related marking requirements in Europe;
    • recent legislative developments in European countries such as France, Spain and Italy;
    • a summary of upcoming mandatory packaging marking requirements in the UK; and
    • challenges product manufacturers and sellers face with other marking requirements, such as the Green Dot trademark.
    Jordan Girling Jordan Girling
    Head of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), WRAP
  26. Chemical migration in the context of sustainable food packaging

    • Systematic approaches addressing chemical migration;
    • Case studies on chemical migration illustrating evidence and knowledge gaps; and
    • Integration of chemical safety and sustainability.
    Birgit Geueke Birgit Geueke
    Scientific Officer, Food Packaging Forum, Switzerland
  27. Q&A session

  28. Close of day one and cocktail reception

  29. End of day one

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