Exhibitor Profile

www.reachlaw.fiAs a leading expert in registration, authorisation, and notification of chemical substances, inside and outside the EU, REACHLaw provides chemical regulatory compliance and product safety solutions to fit customer's needs. We help companies gain market access for their chemical products and support them with compliance with different chemical regulations such as EU REACH and EU CLP, Turkey KKDIK, SEA and GBF, UK REACH and GB CLP, K-REACH and GHS, and many more. Furthermore, REACHLaw is also committed to supporting companies with their sustainable growth. As part of the EU’s Green Deal objectives, we help companies understand the impacts on their businesses of the ongoing developments regarding the EU REACH Revision and the EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability.
REACHLaw has offices in Helsinki (HQ), Brussels, Manchester, New Delhi and Istanbul and service its clients in the following languages: English, Finnish, French, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Swedish, Turkish and Ukrainian.
More information can be found here: www.reachlaw.fi
Contact us at: sales@reachlaw.fi