- Session 1: Developments in Asia
Cissie Yeung
Product Regulatory, Compliance & Advocacy Manager, SEA Region, and SCIC, Industry Co-chair of ARCP,, Shell Eastern Petroleum, Singapore -
Navigating regulatory happenings across Asia Pacific
- A view on regulatory happenings in Asia Pacific
- Industry experiences in facing and navigating the dynamic regulatory happenings and developments in the region
Agnes Lau
Director Product Safety Asia Pacific, Head of Safety Cluster Kuala Lumpur Hub, BASF, Malaysia -
GHS updates in Singapore, China, Taiwan, South Korea
- Updates on GHS classification and SDS regulations in Singapore, China, Taiwan and South Korea
- Updates on labelling and other operational management requirements
Regulatory developments from China: An overview
- Updates on new chemical substance regulation
- Updates on hazardous chemical management
- Practical experience sharing
Regulatory update from China on agricultural chemicals
- Definition and scope of agricultural chemicals in China
- Introduction of agricultural chemicals registration system and policy update
- Introduction of registration cases
An overview on the framework of Chinese new chemical regulation MEE Order No. 12
- From MEP Order #7 to MEE Order #12
- Registration requirements under MEE Order 12
Industry experience managing regulatory updates in China
- Opportunities for further improving new chemical registration scheme
- Industry role in supporting emerging pollutant management
Updates from Taiwan
- The 2023 organization reform for Toxic and Chemical Substances Bureau (TCSB), Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, Taiwan
- Prospects for legislation related to chemical substances after the 2023 organization reform for TCSB
- What is next? Some ideas about the 2nd Stage of Existing Chemical Substances Registration after 2025 in Taiwan
Dr Cheng-Yung Lai
Senior Environmental Technical Specialist of Toxic and Chemical Substances Bureau (TCSB), Taiwan EPA -
Chemical Watch platform demonstration
Gil Perez
Director, Global Product Stewardship Global SK-II. Global Chemicals Management - Asia, Procter & Gamble International Operations Singapore SA Branch -
Regulatory updates from Thailand
- The amendment of the Hazardous Substance Act
- Dealing with the New List 5.6 declaration
- The inventory
- Updates
Piyatida (Tung) Pukclai
Asia-Pacific Business Development & Regulatory Policy Lead, knoell, Thailand -
South Korea: Regulatory outlook and update on K-REACH
- K-REACH Progress
- Authorization
- Government Supports for SMEs
- Others
Practical guidance on K-REACH for foreign manufacturers
- 100-1,000T Registration
- Lead Registration for foreign manufacturers
- Transported Isolated Intermediates (TII) Registration
- Others
Regulatory Updates on Philippines Chemical Registration
- New Regulations on Industrial chemicals, products/mixtures under EMB
- Polymer Exemptions
- Chemicals added in the Chemical Control Order
- Updates on PICCS list/PICCS Tool
- Data Requirements for PMPIN
- Regulatory Requirements for Household Urban Hazardous Substances (HUHS) under FDA
- Regulations in the making for Priority Chemicals and Chemical Control Order
- Benzene and Vinyl Chloride for Inclusion in the CCO list
- Updating of PCL list
- Extended Producer Responsibility Act of 2022
- New Regulations on Industrial chemicals, products/mixtures under EMB
Regulatory background in Malaysia
- Update on CLASS Regulations 2013
- Update on Health Risk Assessment relevant to chemical exposure
Salmaan H Inayat-Hussain
Head, Environment, Social Performance & Product Stewardship Group Health, Safety & Environment, PETROLIAM NASIONAL BERHAD -
Close of day one