
Timings are in CEST (Amsterdam)

  1. Chemical Regulatory Updates in G20 countries

    India holds the Presidency of the G20 this year. Together with the Indian government, Global Product Compliance (GPC) has compiled a report on the latest developments of chemical regulations in the G20 countries. Based on GPC’s core value of knowledge sharing, this workshop will present the summaries of the report as well as compliance strategies in those countries.

    • Status of Chemical Inventories
    • GHS requirements and updates
    • Summaries and compliance obligations of chemical regulations 
    Vaibhav Diwan Vaibhav Diwan
    General Manager (Growth), GPC Group
  2. How to Deal with AICIS in Australia

    • Introduction category determination 
    • Typical requests 
    • Regulatory updates 
    Wiebke Sossinka Wiebke Sossinka
    Dipl. Environmental Scientist, Regulatory Affairs Chemicals - non-EU, knoell Germany
  3. Refreshments

  4. Compliance with Turkish chemicals regulations

    • Recent news 
    • Updates ahead of the KKDIK registration deadline of 31 December 2023 
    Pınar Ozgun Yavas Pınar Ozgun Yavas
    Deputy Director, REACH Global Services
  5. Lunch

  6. Refreshments


    Close of conference