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Registration and coffee
- Session one: Update on the UK chemicals strategy
Chemicals strategy priority chemical issues – UK policy updates
- Chemicals strategy background;
- Update on priority and emerging chemicals of concern policy developments; and
- Next steps.
Edward Latter
Chemicals Policy Team Leader, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), UK -
UK REACH regulatory update from HSE
- Update from HSE on the UK REACH work programme, and key delivery objectives
Andrea Caitens
Regulatory Scientist, Health and Safety Executive (HSE) – Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD) -
UK REACH and chemicals strategy – a chemical industry perspective.
- Latest developments on the UK chemicals sector;
- Progress and key industry expectations; and
- Remaining challenges and potential opportunities.
Rules of origin for goods moving between the UK and EU
- Explanation of Rules of Origin and why they matter in trade;
- Changes to RoO policy following Brexit; and
- Where to find help
Q&A session
Refreshment break
- Session two: State of play in UK chemicals regulations
Assessing chemicals’ safety using animal-free approaches
- Traditional, animal-based toxicity testing methods are compromising human and environmental health because they are inefficient, and often unreliable or irrelevant, generating data that provide a poor foundation for robust regulatory decision-making;
- Innovative, animal-free new approach methodologies (NAMs) are, or have the potential to be, more efficient, reliable and relevant and, where implemented, are already outperforming animal tests; and
- For the sake of humans, the environment and animals in laboratories, Britain must seize the opportunity to build a chemicals regulatory system that uses NAMs as the default way to generate information on substances.
Plans for CLP in the UK
- GB CLP process;
- Latest developments on the GB CLP mandatory classifications;
- HSE intentions regarding the new hazard classifications;
- Divergence examples; and
- Challenges for industry.
The UK biocidal product regulation - a view from industry
- A short review on what the European Biocidal Products regulation requires from companies involved and a review of INOVYN’s substances covered by the BPR;
- How this regulation was incorporated into UK/GB law and the immediate actions at the point of BREXIT;
- The general progress now made to find a GB solution for companies; and
- The next stages
Q&A session
Lunch and networking
Chemical Watch platform demonstration
- Session three: Challenges for industry
Issues relating to downstream formulators
- The change in roles for downstream users following the introduction of UK REACH;
- The challenges for formulators relating to divergence between EU CLP and GB CLP; and
- Looking ahead for downstream users in the UK.
The UK plastics industry
- The challenges facing the UK Plastics industry within UK REACH; and
- Understanding your new obligations as a UK business and the transition to UK REACH.
Q&A session
Refreshment break
The acceptance of NAMs for REACH
- Will regulators need NAM data for hazard identification/CLP or risk assessment;
- Different types of NAM data – exposure metrics, biological assays and deriving points of departure;
- How NAMs will be deemed as valid for regulatory use;
- Can chemical safety decisions be made today using NAM data alone; and
- A different paradigm shift for next generation risk assessment using NAMs
Plant Protection Products
- Direction of travel in EU and UK;
- GB active substance review programme; and
- GB opportunities for innovation
Q&A session
Close of conference