
  1. Registration

  2. Welcome

    Nhat Nguyen Nhat Nguyen
    Chief Analyst, Enhesa Product Intelligence, USA
  3. Session 1: The Regulatory background
  4. Update on EPA’s PFAS strategic roadmap

    • Overview of EPA’s PFAS roadmap 
    • EPA PFAS actions since October 2021 
    • Upcoming multi-media EPA actions expected in 2023
    Matt Klasen Matt Klasen
    PFAS Council Manager, EPA
  5. Reporting and restriction at Federal level

    • TSCA Section 8(a)(7) Reporting Obligations
    • TSCA SNUR Reporting
    • EPCRA Toxics Release Inventory PFAS Reporting
    • CERCLA Hazardous Substance Reporting
    • SDWA Drinking Water Standards and Reporting Requirements
    • And a Word on State Reporting Obligations
    Lynn L. Bergeson Lynn L. Bergeson
    Managing Partner, Bergeson & Campbell, USA
  6. Activities at State Level - Maine

    • Review Maine Statute requiring manufacturers to report intentionally added PFAS in products sold in the State.
    • Discuss changes in the recently adopted Public Law 2023, c. 138, (LD 217).
    Kerri Malinowski Farris Kerri Malinowski Farris
    Program Manager for Maine’s Safer Chemicals Program, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
  7. PFAS restriction proposal in the EU – regulatory landscape and legal shortcomings

    • Background and current status of the proposal 
    • Grouping approach 
    • Essential use concept  
    • Overlapping legislation  
    • Public consultation & next steps 
    Claudio Mereu Claudio Mereu
    Partner, EU Regulatory, Fieldfisher LLP, Belgium
  8. Q&A

  9. Refreshments

  10. Session 2: Scientific background and PFAS alternatives
  11. Overview of recent PFAS related activities under TSCA

    • TSCA related rule making activities
    • National Testing Strategy updates
    • Pesticide related PFAS issues including laboratory work
    Jeffrey L Dawson Jeffrey L Dawson
    Senior Science Adviser, Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention (OCSPP), US EPA
  12. Fingerprinting and Finding Sources Impacting your Product

    • Potential (unintentional) sources of PFAS impacting products 
    • PFAS fingerprinting overview and how can it be applied to products 
    • Analytical method and challenges for PFAS in products (i.e., what is and what is not helpful for fingerprinting) 
    • Sampling and analytical considerations for successful investigation 
    Jaana Pietari Jaana Pietari
    Senior Managing Consultant, Ramboll
  13. Options for PFAS product certification

    Currently, there any many different labels and certifications for PFAS in products within the marketplace.  These labels and certifications can pertain to the reduction of PFAS, the elimination of PFAS, whether or not PFAS were “intentionally added”, or the PFAS content of products; these labels and certifications can vary significantly.  This presentation will look at the following:

    • The different certifications that exist, what they mean, and how manufacturers or industries can demonstrate compliance with the certification requirements.
    • Certifications which allow a minimum amount of PFAS to be present
    • Some definitions of “intentionally-added” PFAS which can vary by state
    • An overview of some of the current or proposed PFAS in product bans   
    Elizabeth Denly Elizabeth Denly
    PFAS Initiative Leader & Chemistry Director, TRC
  14. Q&A

  15. Lunch

  16. SciveraLENS demo

  17. The need for smart, science-based policies surrounding PFAS

    • PFAS are diverse group of chemistries that are critical for many products we use every day, including cell phones, semiconductors, aircraft, electric batteries, medical devices and drugs, and more. 
    • We have an opportunity to appropriately define, subcategorize, and regulate this technology. 
    • Let’s work together toward a smarter and more effective public policy that protects human health and the environment while recognizing the many different types of PFAS and their critical uses. 
    Robert J. Simon Robert J. Simon
    Vice President, Chemical Products & Technology Divisions, American Chemistry Council
  18. Q&A

  19. Session 3: Lessons learnt from recent litigation
  20. Lessons learnt from recent litigation

    • Explanation of how PFAS-related litigation is different than other types of toxic tort and environmental litigation, including scope of the issue, proximate causation problems, and unconventional remedies—and why it matters. 
    • Discussion of range and scope of settlements in PFAS litigation. 
    • Recommendations for companies concerned about PFAS litigation.
    Julie Michalski Julie Michalski
    Associate, Steptoe
  21. Q&A

  22. Refreshments

  23. Session 4: Other current issues
  24. Compliance in a landscape with changing definitions – unharmonized state program impacts on markets and supply chains

    • An overview of the regulations that come into effect between 2023 and 2025 and the product types covered 
    • Key definitions of PFAS and product types at the heart of evaluating compliance needs and supply chain management 
    • Intentionally added PFAS vs. non-intentional PFAS content from background and byproduct sources 
    • Mobile PFAS substances vs. non-reactive solid polymeric materials 
      • Will we follow the EU lead and treat them the same? 
      • Why the hazards differ 
    • Key elements of supply chain engagement to optimize compliance with PFAS definitions in your market areas 
      • Asking for disclosures and certifications relevant for different states 
      • When to test, and what to test for 
    • Preparing for the next wave of regulations and definitions 
    Bob DeMott Bob DeMott
    Principal Toxicologist, Ramboll
  25. Life after the TRI de minimis exemption for PFAS and the associated business risks

    • Components of the December 5, 2022 Proposed Rule and what it means for future reporting of PFAS under the TRI Program
    • Understanding the transparency of reported TRI Data and how it is used by the public and private sectors – a critical component to understanding and getting ahead of the resulting business risks
    Lori Dinkelmann Lori Dinkelmann
    Partner, ERM
  26. Q&A

  27. Close of conference