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Join us in person or virtually
Coffee and registration
Welcome and introduction
Safe and sustainable by design – state of play
- The ‘Safe and sustainable by design’ (SSbD) framework and Recommendation;
- How the European Commission promotes R&I for safer and more sustainable chemicals and materials;
- Next steps in supporting the SSbD framework.
Impact of CLP hazard classification revisions on SSbD implementation
- Introduction to DUCC and the platform of 11 European associations which represent “downstream” industries
- The viewpoint of DUCC on the CLP hazard classification revision process and how this impacts the creation of safe and sustainable mixtures
- A sector specific example of the CLP hazard classes implementation into SSbD will then be shared by one of the DUCC members, IFRA, the International Fragrance Association
Avoiding the risk of double regulation of chemicals in products within the EU
- Recent proliferation of chemical-related terms and requirements across various legislative initiatives
- Applying terminology consistently: substances of (very high) concern, most harmful etc.
- Defining, restricting and tracking substances of concern under ESPR and in other regulations
- Are there advantages of multiple regulations in achieving toxic-free material cycles?
Refreshment break
How to achieve sustainable products
- Increased transparency (make the market do the heavy lifting)
- Recognize alternative providers
- Stricter regulation drives innovation
Blurring the boundaries of safety and sustainability: Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation
- An overview and status update of the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation
- She will discuss the frequently asked questions she receives from her clients on ecodesign
- How ecodesign is used as a tool in the EU to introduce product safety requirements, whilst also achieving sustainability goals
Unpacking the future of sustainable supply chains: Overcoming challenges in mandatory due diligence and transparency requirements
- How do we build sustainable supply chains in today's rapidly evolving regulatory environment? Join us to explore the latest regulatory developments in the European Union impacting global supply chains and understand how one of our clients is facing associated challenges.
- We will highlight the major regulatory requirements and share insights on the importance of compliance to ensure products can be placed on the market.
- Our client, Peter Horvath, Global Supply Chain Sustainability Manager at Corning, and supply chain expert, will address how Corning faces their major challenges and share best practices from his team.
- An excellent opportunity to gain insights including immediate takeaways you can put into action.
Lunch and networking
Enhesa Product service presentation and platform demo
Louise Osborne, Global Head of Sales, Enhesa Product
Ask the experts panel: Achieving safe & responsible chemistry in the context of sustainability
Sue Bullock
Principal, Product Safety and Stewardship Head of Industrial and Specialty Chemicals, TSG Consulting -
Safety and sustainability criteria incorporation as part of Eco-Labels
- ECO Label categories and certification schemes
- Incorporation of Safety and Sustainability requirements
- Marketing with ECO labelling and Sustainability under “Green Claims” legislation
Industry experience of managing chemical hazards in an LCA
- Risk Assessments in REACH and LCA
- ProScale and ProScale E as alternative for UseTox
- Example on use of these new approaches
Refreshment break
Digital product passport and chemicals traceability
- State of Play
- What ECOS stands for
- Chemical Traceability in the DPP
- Next steps and timeline of implementation
New regulations on sustainability claims, and blockchain-based software tools to prevent greenwashing
- Introduction emphasizing the importance of sustainability and traceability in the product lifecycle
- Overview of new sustainability claims regulations
- Types and impact of greenwashing
- Understanding Circularise's blockchain-based traceability
- Leveraging blockchain to prevent greenwashing
Project IRISS - The international ecosystem for accelerating the transition to SSbD materials, products and processes
Networking drinks reception
Join us for relaxed networking, drinks and appetisers with our speakers and attendees.
Close of day