Exhibitor Profile



This provides you with natural seawater through a highly flexible and customisable system capable of supporting high volume flow-through as well as many other study designs for your research and regulated projects.

We are known for successfully and efficiently solving the challenges associated with the risk assessment and global registration of many different chemical types in the fields of agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, biocides and veterinary medicines. In addition to standardised regulatory testing we also offer customised and bespoke study designs and will take the lead in proposing valuable testing strategies for often complex and challenging circumstances.


We offer non-GLP and GLP testing services supporting in-house research and regulatory compliant studies for data submission in all geographic regions. Our multidisciplinary team of scientists have many years of experience with different types of test compounds including complex substances. By design, our scientific teams are highly integrated across ecotoxicology, analytical chemistry and environmental fate/biodegradation enabling open and prompt communications and actions to ensure the timely completion of studies.