
Managing the regulation of Food Contact Materials



    Sidsel Dyekjær Sidsel Dyekjær
    Chemicals Policy Adviser, ChemSec
  2. Registration

  3. Session 1: Overviews of current and future trends
  4. Overview of new developments in global food contact material regulations

    Gyöngyi David Gyöngyi David
    Associate-Lawyer, Steptoe and Johnson LLP
  5. Ongoing REFIT evaluation of the FCM Regulation as an opportunity to fix a broken system and deliver better consumer protection

    • Chemicals of concern in food and products matter to consumers
    • The current FCM regime in Europe fails to address these concerns
    • The REFIT is an opportunity to change that
    • The plastics FCM regulation establishes an automatic ban on chemicals classified as CMR under the CLP regulation
    • A similar approach can and should be taken for other FCM types.
    Pelle Moos Pelle Moos
    Senior Safety and Health Policy Officer, Team Leader, BEUC (The European Consumer Organisation), Belgium
  6. The gap between reality and requirements for FCMs

    • The risk is unknown for many substances that get into our food from FCM.
    • Legislation requires these substances do not endanger human health
    • How can this gap be bridged in the future?
    Gregor McCombie Gregor McCombie
    Head of Department, Kantonales Labor Zürich
  7. Panel discussion including Q&A

    How can we close the gaps between FCM regulation and reality to ensure safety of consumers?

    • What are the solutions to get rid of the gaps more efficiently
    • How realistic are risk assessments for FCM
    • How could industry contribute to transparency in the supply chain


    All session 1 speakers & Jane Muncke, Managing Director Food Packaging Forum, Switzerland

  8. Refreshments

  9. Session 2: Current and future trends in FCMs - plastics
  10. Compliance with FCM regulations: challenges and opportunities for the plastics industry

    Michel Cassart Michel Cassart
    Senior Consumer Protection Manager, PlasticsEurope
  11. Risk assessment for NIAS (non-intentionally added substances)

    Sander Koster Sander Koster
    Group Leader Packaging Safety, Nestle
  12. Q&A

  13. Lunch

  14. Session 3: Current and future trends in FCMs - non-harmonised materials (printing/packaging)


    Anna Gergely Anna Gergely
    Director, EHS Regulatory, Steptoe & Johnson, Belgium
  16. Retailer perspective: case studies of phasing out substances of concern and how they are used in marketing

    Malene Teller Blume Malene Teller Blume
    Quality Manager, Coop Danmark
  17. Enforcement of compliance for non-harmonised materials in Denmark, focus: fluorinated compounds in paper and board, documentary checks

    Charlotte Legind Charlotte Legind
    Environmental Chemist, Danish Veterinary and Food Administration
  18. Safety and risk assessment of substances in printing inks - Examples of information passed through the supply chain

    Matthias Henker Matthias Henker
    Director of Technology FP EMEA / Chair of EuPIA PIFOOD, Flint Group Packaging Inks Germany GmbH / EuPIA
  19. Q&A

  20. Refreshments

  21. Session 4: Food Contact Materials in the Circular Economy
  22. Food packaging in the circular economy: a focus on chemical safety of FCMs

    • Refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle, recover, rot: How does the circular economy affect food packaging?
    • Hazardous chemicals in recycled materials: What are examples of chemicals of concern found in recycled FCMs?
    • Tackling the circularity challenge: How is science, advocacy and industry addressing the issue?
    Jane Muncke Jane Muncke
    Managing Director and Chief Scientific Officer, Food Packaging Forum Foundation
  23. Study on quantification and modelling of selected chemicals in the European paper loop

    Kostyantyn Pivnenko Kostyantyn Pivnenko
    Postdoctoral researcher, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
  24. Q&A

  25. Panel discussion on circular economy and food contact materials

    How do we ensure safety of consumers?

    • In the areas that are not harmonised?
    • How are EFSA evaluations being applied in the harmonised areas?
    • Is there enough feedstock?
    • Who is checking the parameters? Will people use it?


    Session 4 presenters &

    Michel Cassart, Senior Consumer Protection Manager, PlasticsEurope

    Matthias Henker, Director of Technology FP EMEA, Packaging Inks, Flint Group, Germany

  26. Close of conference