
  1. Registration

  2. Background and Introduction

  3. Hazard identification and assessment I

    • Identification of critical studies for use in the derivation of benchmark “safe dose”
    • Worked (and group) examples throughout this section
  4. Refreshment Break

  5. Hazard identification and assessment II

  6. Lunch

  7. Exposure assessment

    • The approach which should be taken in exposure assessment and the type of models which can be used (why and how)
    • The importance of chemistry in the assessment of likely exposure routes

    Risk characterisation

    • Risk perception
    • Tolerable and acceptable risk
  8. Refreshment Break

  9. Risk management

    Risk characterisation

  10. Case study

    Laura Robinson Laura Robinson
    Occupational Toxicologist, Toxicology Consulting Ltd, UK
    Peter Di Marco Peter Di Marco
    Managing Director and Principal Consultant, Benchmark Toxicology Services Pty Ltd
  11. Questions and close of day