Trainer: Dave Dillon
Trainer: Eva Perendreu-Mata, Msc.
Eva Perendreu-Mata
Regulatory project manager & Senior Efficacy specialist for Biocides, Exponent International Ltd, UK -
Introduction to efficacy requirements under the BPR
- What is efficacy and why is it important in a regulatory context
- Role of efficacy: Active substance approval vs. product
- Product evaluation inc. role of Biocidal Product Families
- Labels and claim substantiation
- Dossier requirements for a biocidal product
- Test Methods
- Performance standards
- Study design
- Quality/expectations for individual reports and dataset
Overview of Available Guidance for Efficacy
- Which PTs are currently covered within ECHA Guidance
- Role of ECHA and ECHA BPC EFF WG
- Guidance development and Revisions (inc. PEG process)
- Status and value of Guidance
- Update on current activities
- Other issues: efficacy and co-formulants
Refreshment break
Deep Dive into Efficacy and claim substantiation for PT18 & PT19 products
- Scope of PT18 and PT19 products
- Global vision of the main insect pests and their lifecycles
- Focus on some key flying & crawling Insect pests
- Practical efficacy testing before creating a biocide dossier
- Consideration of new method and existing (relevant) standard methods available
- How do we assess efficacy against insects
- What is needed for a valid assessment
- Claim Support
- General PT18 claims
- Specific claims
- Consideration of formulation technology
- Aerosols
- Baits
- Emanating devices (Mat/vapourisers/coils)
- Claim support :PT19 Repellents and attractants
- Available Guidance
- Current PT 18 and PT19
- On-going revisions
Deep Dive into Efficacy and claim substantiation for Disinfectant Products (PTs 1-4)
- Scope of Products falling under PTs 1-4
- Background to efficacy testing of disinfectants
- Overview of relevant types/groups of microrganisms
- Discussion of available Standard test methods (EN, OECD, ASTM other)
- Acceptable test methods & testing strategies
- Discussion of tiered testing
- Phase 2, Step1
- Phase 2, Step 2
- Phase 3 type studies - Field (Semi- field Trials)
- Importance of test conditions
- Relevant test organisms
- Claim substantiation
- Performance Norms
- Development and use of Claim matrices
- Examination of examples for PT1, PT2 , PT3 and PT4 products
Refreshment break
Efficacy of Disinfection in Drinking Water (PT5)
- Overview of the 6 application groups within PT5
- Data requirements and test methods
- Relevant test organisms and test conditions
- Performance Norms
Questions and close of day